Mitsos — Animal Zone International

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Mitsos, a donkey of 30+ years, is an old fellow. He arrived at our equine shelter in February 2022. We had been trying to get him over to the shelter for two years before his arrival, as it had became clear he had a difficult time working (he walked too slowly and often fell) and that he needed to rest.

His owner was a very old man who was also having difficulty moving himself so our position was challenging as we had to be sensitive to the needs of both the animal and the human.

Fortunately, the owner, after pressure from his children, realized he no longer could take care of Mitsos so it decided that Mitsos would come to AZI’s equine shelter to rest. What a relief for us all!

So now Mitsos can relax and enjoy as many years as he has left to live.

$100 / month for food

$120 / month for food & vaccinations
