Adopted — Adoption Center — Animal Zone International

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Her name is Anna because she was found on the beach of Agia Anna in Amorgos.

She was only 2 months old when she was found alone on July 2022. A group of Italian tourists felt sorry for her and they asked for our help. This was how the little kitten came to our Center. The woman who found her left Amorgos the next day, but her thoughts were with Anna and she missed her. And so she decided to adopt Anna and bring her home to Italy.

Immediately we started looking for an escort for her. Our dear supporter and friend Beatrice tried to help us as always, this time through her daughter Angelica who would be coming to Amorgos for her vacation in October. Angelica accepted to help and this was how Anna made the journey to Italy and her new home. Anna loves her new mom and she is always around her, even when she takes her shower.

Have a beautiful life, sweet Anna!

Here is a short video of Anna during her stay in our Center:



When he left Amorgos we hoped he would be in his own home by Christmas…and so it happened. On Christmas eve our Ruby, who is now called Vincent (after Vincent Van Gogh, as he is also red-haired and with one ear), left Kim's house where he was being fostered and went to his forever home.

Now he lives in a suburb of Utrecht, in a quiet neighborhood, in a house with a large garden with a retired couple who spend most of their time at home. He's doing really well and they already love him so much that their greeting card this year had his face on it.

Here is a short video of him at his new home:



In May 2020, Casper was found abandoned in a remote area of Amorgos, thin and very frightened. (Read his story here)

Once rescued, Casper turned into a very sweet dog. A number of people showed interest in adopting him but he seemed frightened with everyone, so we decided to keep him a little longer until he began feeling more secure.

Casper was temporarily placed with a family with extensive experience with dogs who have experienced trauma and soon he blossomed into a calmer dog. Once he was ready for adoption, a family in Holland was ready and waiting for him but Covid-19 made travel impossible.

Finally, in January of 2021, Casper traveled from Amorgos to Piraeus with our program coordinator and the next morning he was on his way to his new home. Casper is now a Dutch citizen and loves his new home and his new dad.

Special thanks to Herman for giving a loving home to this sweet boy and we also thank Mirtos Animal Project for helping to make this possible.

To our tiny sweet ghost we wish a wonderful long life with his new family!



Canellos was tied up in a small enclosure up on a mountain, alone and without human contact except for those occasional times when someone brought him food and water. For shelter, he had only two rusty barrels. He was not given enough food (he was skin and bones) and the enclosure was never cleaned, and so he was forced to live in his own filth.

Canellos was permanently removed from his owner on 12 of February 2020 by the public prosecutor. Because his previous experience with humans was difficult and limited, he reacted with fear when we first approached and even if we offered gentle affection. However, after 3 months in our care and a lot of caresses later, he has transformed into a completely different dog.

Canellos is a happy, confident, and playful dog. He gets along well with other dogs and always wants to play with them. He also loves all people and children. He shows great interest in cats and if he is free he may give chase but he does nothing when a cat is calm inside a home environment. He is very smart and he learns very fast.

He weighs 27kg and he is a mixed German shepherd dog.

Canellos is available for adoption also through the Dutch organization "Mirtos Animal Project". You can find his profile here:



Feevos had been held in a darkened warehouse for over a year and once we were able to bring him to our Center, feed and wash and care for him, we took him for his first walk in the beautiful springtime of Amorgos.

Feevos ran back and forth between the flowers and trees and plants along that walk and he seemed filled with wonder at the sight of the sea and the other animals that we met along that first walk. Feevos is now a happy, confident and playful dog with puppy behavior.

He gets along beautifully with other dogs, both male and female, and he is playful and gentle. He loves grown-ups and children and he also shows great interest in cats. If he is free, he will chase them, but he does nothing when the cat is calm inside a home environment. He is a very smart, active, and affectionate dog.

Feevos weighs 30kg and is a mixed German Shepherd dog. We wish this young dog a long and healthy life filled with affection and safety. Feevos is available for adoption through the Dutch organization "Mirtos Animal Project". Here is his profile on their website:



When Koutco arrived in our Center this summer he was FIV positive and had already lost vision in one of his eyes. Since the other eye was severely compromised, Koutco was struggling to survive on the streets but after an accident that left his front right leg paralyzed his future appeared bleak.

Lamia, the benevolent woman who took care of the colony in which Koutco was living decided to contact a friend in Holland and together, Lamia and Juliette found a shelter for him in Belgium. This is a wonderful shelter and we have sent another cat from Amorgos, the handsome Plume, to find a home with them.

The people of Vzw Zwerfkat in Belgium do tremendous work with cats in severe need and we salute them and hope that you will visit their website . They have given Koutco a second chance in life and, now, he is looking forward to his true and loving forever home.




Rebeca was found alone on the streets of Chora by a very kind child. He saw Rebeca sitting in a corner unable to move because her both eyes were completely shut, struck by severe infection. He immediately pick her up and brought her to our Center.

After 1 week of treatment Rebeca is completely healthy and she plays non stop. Her little friend visited our Center in order to see her and he was very happy to see her fully healed.

See a video of her making her super-kitten moves—

Rebeca is now available for adoption! Please contact us at if you are interested. Or help us with her nutritional and medical needs by making a small donation in her support


Fani and Frinta

Frinta was found in May, abandoned and crying, on the streets of Amorgos. She was very tiny, only about a month old, and our program coordinator, Litsa, cared for her until we could find Frinta a loving home. Very quickly her sweetness attracted a new family and she has gone to live in her forever home in Athens.

We are blessed to know that Frinta will live a safe and happy life after her difficult beginning.


Bobbie and Arangon

Earlier this year, our 2 handsome, big boys Bobbie and Arangon embarked on a long journey and began the next chapter in their lives. 

They were found abandoned when they were only 2 months old and sadly they spent the next 2 and a half years on Amorgos waiting for their forever home.

Just as we were despairing their future, we received notice from Mirtos Animal Project, the Dutch organization with which we cooperate, regarding interest in these dogs. And we were thrilled when the interest eventually led to adoption. 

We've heard nothing but good news about their new lives, and we wish a wonderful, happy life to the adopters and our lovely boys Arangon and Bobbie!

Additionally we are very grateful for the work of Mirtos Animal Project A big thanks goes to them, as they find amazing homes for our sweet animals. 



In May of 2017, little Zizi was abandoned, together with her brothers, outside of the primary school of Potamos in Aegiali.

After a difficult struggle her small brothers were not able to survive but little Zizi showed a gift for life that helped her to grow strong in her time at our Center. Now, Zizi has been adopted by a local family in Langada, Aeliali where she shares the love and care of a family with two young boys who clearly adore her.

We are thankful for another happy ending for another young member of the animal kingdom.



Until recently, it was not common practice for families of Amorgos to adopt animals from local welfare associations, but, in the last few months we have been thrilled to find that four of our animals from the Center have found loving homes.

Today, a small kitten only four months old has been adopted by a local couple who had lost their own cat, Melenia. Mr. Kostas Sigalas came to us hoping to adopt a kitten as a gift for his wife, Despoina, who was grieving over the loss of her beloved cat. Mr. Siglas chose little Lily, who, amazingly, looks much like their own Melenia.

Today, with tears in her eyes, Mrs. Despoina welcomed little Lily into her home and, because she spends many hours alone, Lily will be great company for this kind lady. A loving relationship has begun and we wish many many long years of happiness together for the Despoinas and their new family member.



UPDATE: Sissy has been adopted in Holland!

Sissy came from the nearby island of Iraklia, where she was abandoned as a puppy. A loving family saved her from the streets and took care of her until they had to leave the island. Unfortunately they were not able to keep her. 

On 23 of November Sissy left our beautiful island in order to meet her new family in Holland. After a 9 hour trip by boat from Amorgos to Piraeus, and then a flight from Athens to Holland, Sissy finally met her amazing new mum who was eager to hold Sissy in her arms. From the first time Sissy felt home so all goes very well.

We want to thank once again "Mirtos Animal Project" for their excellent cooperation and for the help they give to our animals in finding them new forever homes. Most of all, thank you to Henriette, who opened her home and heart to Sissy, offering her a wonderful new life. We wish Sissy and Henriette all the best!!


Her name is Sissy and what a sweetheart. Just one year old, Sissy is a petite princess, weighing only 5 kilos (11 pounds). We think she is a terrier mix.

She came to us from the nearby island of Iraklia, where she was abandoned as a puppy. A loving family saved her from the streets and took care of her until they had to leave the island. Unfortunately they were not able to keep her.

She is very quiet and calm and although she was found in the streets, she has learned to be in a home. She gets along well with cats and other dogs and she adores children, having spent some of her puppyhood with a child. She will be spayed, vaccinated and dewormed with an accepted adoption contract.

We are sure that our little princess will become the best companion you could ever ask for! She is 5 kilos of pure joy! Please contact us for more information about the adoption process.

See a short video of Sissy here:

Sissy's microchip number is 941000016719465.

Sissy's microchip number is 941000016719465.



Fluffy, our beautiful and truly special blind cat, after staying at our Center for two years and despite being positive in FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency virus), has finally found her own home in Holland!

Mirtos Animal Project, an organization in Holland with which we cooperate, has found a new home where Fluffy will live with 2 dogs. We're so happy for her!



Soultana is a healthy three year old cat whose owner left her with us before he entered the hospital.  Unfortunately, he never returned. Because his family was unable to care for Soultana she has remained with us at the Center. She has a most calm character, she is spayed and fully vaccinated and we hope that this sweet cat will soon find a home as loving as the one she grew up in.

By virtually adopting an animal with a monthly donation, you will provide food, shelter, medications, toys, blankets and care. 

We'll e-mail you regularly their pictures and their story, accompanied by our great appreciation for you irreplaceable support .  

Become an AZI Guardian today!  Offer your ongoing support. 

Or contact us to learn more about virtual adoptions.



At about the age of five years, Sfigos was found on the streets of Ormos of Aegiali. He had great difficulties in surviving since an old injury to his front leg had left him unable to walk easily. After many days of physiotherapy and much care Sfigos is able to walk with only a slight limp, but, because we still feel that it might be dangerous for him to be back on the streets, we have kept him with us. Neutered and fully vaccinated, Sfigos is a very smart and healthy cat and he has become the mascot of our center. 

By virtually adopting an animal with a monthly donation, you will provide food, shelter, medications, toys, blankets and care. 

We'll e-mail you regularly their pictures and their story, accompanied by our great appreciation for you irreplaceable support .  

Become an AZI Guardian today!  Offer your ongoing support. 

Or contact us to learn more about virtual adoptions.


Bob is one of the five small puppies who were abandoned last year outside of a field in Amorgos. After many months with us, a local family of shepherds asked to adopt Bob and begin the work of training him to watch over their herds of goats and sheep. Although we told them that Bob loved to chase anything that moved they assured us that they would be able to turn him into a good watchdog.

Unfortunately, Bob was very happy to chase the herd but not to control it, and, so, after two months, Bob came back to us at the Center. He is now a very sweet and smart boy who loves to be with people. He is calm, gentle with children and comfortable with other dogs as well as with cats. As long as there are no goats or sheep to chase, he is the most easygoing of fellows.

Bob is now living with his sister Akira and his brother Arangon in an enclosure in Amorgos. Unfortunately, due to the lack of foster homes and volunteers on the island, these young dogs spend only a short time with people who come each day to care for them and they urgently need homes and human attention.

Bob’s mother was a pure breed Belgian Shepherd Groenendael and his father was a Greek Shepherd mixed breed. He is one year old, weighs 30 kg, is neutered and fully vaccinated, and his microchip number is 941000016719317.

Our great hope is that Bob will find a new and loving family on which to lavish his immense capacity for joyful affection.
