Zoi — Animal Zone International

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JAN 2023 UPDATE—Zoi is the sweetest cat EVER! She is now 4 and a half years old and retains her mobility problems.

When she first arrived at our center, she was walking on her hind knees (and not on her feet)—the result of a permanent wound on her left hind leg. We do not know how it happened, but since she was like that for over a year before we rescued her, there was not much we could do. When Zoi was found she also had some neurological problems (her head was moving like a pendulum) but with treatment that was quickly resolved.

Recently Zoi was examined by an orthopedic vet (including X-rays) and it was confirmed that unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about her feet. The only possible solution would be to amputate the leg that is in the worst condition to avoid any risk of infection to the bone.

But since the other leg also has issues we weren’t sure she would be able to lift the weight of her body with only one leg, so that is a risk that for the moment we are not comfortable taking. Zoi had also some blood tests and it turns out she is positive for FIP (with titer 1/800) as well as positive for FIV.

However, she remains in good condition and does not present any problems beyond mobility due to the condition of her legs. We know that such an animal is very difficult to find a home but she is the sweetest cat we have ever met and whoever adopts her will certainly not regret it!

Here is a recent short video of her:


Due to these problems, Zoi needs to live only indoors. She can also be your virtual pet—she would be forever grateful!
