Cats — Adoption Center — Animal Zone International

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UPDATE JAN 2023—Aramis is now one and a half years old. He lives mostly outdoors together with his brother Porthos and many other cats in a colony that one of our volunteers takes care of. He is a huge cat now but his character remains a baby, so sweet and innocent.

Aramis and his 3 siblings were found on the streets of Amorgos, next to a grocery store. Apparently, they were removed from their mom and abandoned in a plastic box for fruits in Ormos of Aegiali. They were crying nonstop for a whole day, so a kindhearted girl decided to help them, after making sure that their mom was nowhere to be found. She bought milk and started feeding them and then she called us. The kittens came into our care and we started feeding and taking care of them every 2 hours.

Aramis is a smart and lazy cat who likes to sleep a lot, but also very affectionate and sweet.



UPDATE JAN 2023—Porthos is now an adult cat at one and a half years old. He lives outside but really would prefer to be an indoor cat. He is constantly looking for a way in. When he finds an open door he burrows in and hides so that you do not see that he has entered. Then, suddenly, you find him sleeping in your bed and with his eyes he begs you to let him stay. This cat is suffering as an outside cat—he desperately needs a home! He is extremely cuddly and sweet! He is available for both virtual and actual adoption—won’t you consider helping this sweet boy?

He is neutered and vaccinated.

Porthos and his 3 siblings were found on the streets of Amorgos, next to a grocery store. Apparently, they were removed from their mom and abandoned in a plastic box for fruits in Ormos of Aegiali. They were crying nonstop for a whole day, so a kindhearted girl decided to help them, after making sure that their mom was nowhere to be found. She bought milk and started feeding them and then she called us. The kittens came into our care and we started feeding and taking care of them every 2 hours. 



JAN 2023 UPDATE—Zoi is the sweetest cat EVER! She is now 4 and a half years old and retains her mobility problems.

When she first arrived at our center, she was walking on her hind knees (and not on her feet)—the result of a permanent wound on her left hind leg. We do not know how it happened, but since she was like that for over a year before we rescued her, there was not much we could do. When Zoi was found she also had some neurological problems (her head was moving like a pendulum) but with treatment that was quickly resolved.

Recently Zoi was examined by an orthopedic vet (including X-rays) and it was confirmed that unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about her feet. The only possible solution would be to amputate the leg that is in the worst condition to avoid any risk of infection to the bone.

But since the other leg also has issues we weren’t sure she would be able to lift the weight of her body with only one leg, so that is a risk that for the moment we are not comfortable taking. Zoi had also some blood tests and it turns out she is positive for FIP (with titer 1/800) as well as positive for FIV.

However, she remains in good condition and does not present any problems beyond mobility due to the condition of her legs. We know that such an animal is very difficult to find a home but she is the sweetest cat we have ever met and whoever adopts her will certainly not regret it!

Here is a recent short video of her:

Due to these problems, Zoi needs to live only indoors. She can also be your virtual pet—she would be forever grateful!



JAN 2023 UPDATE—Evridiki, our beautiful blind cat, is now 2 and half years old and she has spent all her life in a room of our Center. Although positive for FIP, Evridiki has never shown any symptoms of her illness and is considered by her veterinarians to be a perfectly healthy cat.

We feel sorry for her and for the fact that she restricted to staying in one room of our shelter. She is desperately needs a home, but in the meantime, won’t you consider a virtual adoption?

(She is available for physical adoption too.)

Read more about Evridiki here.



Celine arrived at our Center at the end of August, a tiny two month old baby in dire condition and now, after treatment for parasites and good healthy high-quality nutrition, Celine has become a beautiful, shinny and chubby kitten who never stops playing.

Celine is available for adoption and she will be a grateful and affectionate member of her new family.



When Koutco arrived in our Center this summer he was FIV positive and had already lost vision in one of his eyes. Since the other eye was severely compromised, Koutco was struggling to survive on the streets but after an accident that left his front right leg paralyzed his future appeared bleak.

Lamia, the benevolent woman who took care of the colony in which Koutco was living decided to contact a friend in Holland and together, Lamia and Juliette found a shelter for him in Belgium. This is a wonderful shelter and we have sent another cat from Amorgos, the handsome Plume, to find a home with them.

The people of Vzw Zwerfkat in Belgium do tremendous work with cats in severe need and we salute them and hope that you will visit their website . They have given Koutco a second chance in life and, now, he is looking forward to his true and loving forever home.




Rebeca was found alone on the streets of Chora by a very kind child. He saw Rebeca sitting in a corner unable to move because her both eyes were completely shut, struck by severe infection. He immediately pick her up and brought her to our Center.

After 1 week of treatment Rebeca is completely healthy and she plays non stop. Her little friend visited our Center in order to see her and he was very happy to see her fully healed.

See a video of her making her super-kitten moves—

Rebeca is now available for adoption! Please contact us at if you are interested. Or help us with her nutritional and medical needs by making a small donation in her support


Fani and Frinta

Frinta was found in May, abandoned and crying, on the streets of Amorgos. She was very tiny, only about a month old, and our program coordinator, Litsa, cared for her until we could find Frinta a loving home. Very quickly her sweetness attracted a new family and she has gone to live in her forever home in Athens.

We are blessed to know that Frinta will live a safe and happy life after her difficult beginning.



In May of 2017, little Zizi was abandoned, together with her brothers, outside of the primary school of Potamos in Aegiali.

After a difficult struggle her small brothers were not able to survive but little Zizi showed a gift for life that helped her to grow strong in her time at our Center. Now, Zizi has been adopted by a local family in Langada, Aeliali where she shares the love and care of a family with two young boys who clearly adore her.

We are thankful for another happy ending for another young member of the animal kingdom.



Zak is a two-and-a-half-month old kitten who was found a month ago, along with his three brothers and sisters, in the middle of the central road in Chora-Arkesini, near the monastery of Saint George Valsamitis.

When Zak arrived he was malnourished and dehydrated but, after one month in our care and with proper treatment, Zak is now a healthy strong kitten who loves to be caressed. He is waiting patiently for his new and loving family. Please consider welcoming this friendly fellow into your home.

Microchip #: 941000016719371

Microchip #: 941000016719371



Sweet Tasoula is a three-month old kitten who was found a month ago in the garden of a pension in Katapola where she, her mother, and her brothers and sisters were being fed by the very kind cleaning lady of the pension.

When she saw that Tasoula had an eye infection she contacted our center and we agreed to administer the drops that we hoped would clear up Tasoula’s infection. Unfortunately Tasoula was afraid of the treatment so we agreed to take her in and help with the medications.

Even though she has lost the sight in one of her eyes, she is still a happy, healthy, playful kitten, a bit shy but always happy for affection. We hope we are able to find a loving home with a caring family for Tasoula. Please contact us if you're interested!

Microchip number: 941000016719392

Microchip number: 941000016719392



Fluffy, our beautiful and truly special blind cat, after staying at our Center for two years and despite being positive in FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency virus), has finally found her own home in Holland!

Mirtos Animal Project, an organization in Holland with which we cooperate, has found a new home where Fluffy will live with 2 dogs. We're so happy for her!



Soultana is a healthy three year old cat whose owner left her with us before he entered the hospital.  Unfortunately, he never returned. Because his family was unable to care for Soultana she has remained with us at the Center. She has a most calm character, she is spayed and fully vaccinated and we hope that this sweet cat will soon find a home as loving as the one she grew up in.

By virtually adopting an animal with a monthly donation, you will provide food, shelter, medications, toys, blankets and care. 

We'll e-mail you regularly their pictures and their story, accompanied by our great appreciation for you irreplaceable support .  

Become an AZI Guardian today!  Offer your ongoing support. 

Or contact us to learn more about virtual adoptions.



Melpo was found in the middle of the road in June of 2014 when she was only one and a half months old. She has grown up at our Center, but, because we could not find an adoptive home for her we released her into a safe area.

Unfortunately, five months ago, Melpo was hit by a car and her front leg had to be amputated. Since then she has stayed with us at the center and we have grown so fond of this small sweet cat whom we believe has a very noble character. She is quiet and undemanding and waits patiently for us to give her attention.  

She is now two and a half years old, spayed, fully vaccinated and negative for the feline viruses FEL and FIV. 

Below are photographs of Melpo as she first came to us, after her accident, and now, as a grown up girl. We have also included a short video of Melpo. Should you be interested in virtually adopting her, please contact us at

Microchip number 941000016719335




Plume was born in the same building in which our Center is located and for ten years he had a loving family and a best friend in his very own mother. Unfortunately, due to the crises in Greece, his owner, Francoise, could no longer find work and was forced to move back to her home in Switzerland.

For Plume this was the beginning of a series of tragedies that would change his world forever. His own mother died suddenly and his owner was unable to keep him. Plume was left alone and we, at the center, agreed to take care of him. But the peaceful and quite life that Plume had known did not prepare him for a center filled with so many of the cats that are in our care.

Plume decided that he was happier spending more time outside in the neighborhood but soon he developed an infection. Our veterinarian treated him for respiratory disease and gave him antibiotics but when nothing seemed to help so we decided to send him to Athens for a second opinion. The discovery of a nasal fistula began a series of three surgeries and five difficult treatments over a long period of time, all of which left Plume in need of a calm sanctuary. 

Our dear friend in Holland, Juliette, became interested in Plume’s story and began to search for a home for him, but, because Plume had also been diagnosed with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), he would not be able to live among cats who were free of the virus. Juliette and her friends found a shelter for cats in Belgium which seemed ideal for him, Buddy Kat:

Nathalie, the wonderful woman from Buddy Kat, fell in love with Plume and agreed to take him into Villa Vagebond,, their section for cats suffering with FIV. First though, he would have to be examined by a veterinarian and treated again for the fistula and so Juliette escorted him from Amorgos to Holland where he stayed with her for two days before being fostered by Nathalie.

There, he received intensive care for the chronic problem he had, creating fluid accumulation in his face. After months of treatment a miracle happened and it simply disappeared!

In the meantime Nathalie felt in love with our special guy and she decided to adopt him. So Plume is now a permanent resident of Villa Vagebond in Belgium, where he lives in peace and comfort and is very happy.
