7 years old, purebred English Setter, neutered.
Read his story here
7 years old, purebred English Setter, neutered.
Read his story here
9 years old, purebred Segugio Italiano, neutered.
Read his story here
In May 2020, Casper was found abandoned in a remote area of Amorgos, thin and very frightened. (Read his story here)
Once rescued, Casper turned into a very sweet dog. A number of people showed interest in adopting him but he seemed frightened with everyone, so we decided to keep him a little longer until he began feeling more secure.
Casper was temporarily placed with a family with extensive experience with dogs who have experienced trauma and soon he blossomed into a calmer dog. Once he was ready for adoption, a family in Holland was ready and waiting for him but Covid-19 made travel impossible.
Finally, in January of 2021, Casper traveled from Amorgos to Piraeus with our program coordinator and the next morning he was on his way to his new home. Casper is now a Dutch citizen and loves his new home and his new dad.
Special thanks to Herman for giving a loving home to this sweet boy and we also thank Mirtos Animal Project for helping to make this possible.
To our tiny sweet ghost we wish a wonderful long life with his new family!
Canellos was tied up in a small enclosure up on a mountain, alone and without human contact except for those occasional times when someone brought him food and water. For shelter, he had only two rusty barrels. He was not given enough food (he was skin and bones) and the enclosure was never cleaned, and so he was forced to live in his own filth.
Canellos was permanently removed from his owner on 12 of February 2020 by the public prosecutor. Because his previous experience with humans was difficult and limited, he reacted with fear when we first approached and even if we offered gentle affection. However, after 3 months in our care and a lot of caresses later, he has transformed into a completely different dog.
Canellos is a happy, confident, and playful dog. He gets along well with other dogs and always wants to play with them. He also loves all people and children. He shows great interest in cats and if he is free he may give chase but he does nothing when a cat is calm inside a home environment. He is very smart and he learns very fast.
He weighs 27kg and he is a mixed German shepherd dog.
Canellos is available for adoption also through the Dutch organization "Mirtos Animal Project". You can find his profile here: https://www.mirtos.nu/adopteer/kanelos
Feevos had been held in a darkened warehouse for over a year and once we were able to bring him to our Center, feed and wash and care for him, we took him for his first walk in the beautiful springtime of Amorgos.
Feevos ran back and forth between the flowers and trees and plants along that walk and he seemed filled with wonder at the sight of the sea and the other animals that we met along that first walk. Feevos is now a happy, confident and playful dog with puppy behavior.
He gets along beautifully with other dogs, both male and female, and he is playful and gentle. He loves grown-ups and children and he also shows great interest in cats. If he is free, he will chase them, but he does nothing when the cat is calm inside a home environment. He is a very smart, active, and affectionate dog.
Feevos weighs 30kg and is a mixed German Shepherd dog. We wish this young dog a long and healthy life filled with affection and safety. Feevos is available for adoption through the Dutch organization "Mirtos Animal Project". Here is his profile on their website: https://www.mirtos.nu/adopteer/feevos
UPDATE: Sissy has been adopted in Holland!
Sissy came from the nearby island of Iraklia, where she was abandoned as a puppy. A loving family saved her from the streets and took care of her until they had to leave the island. Unfortunately they were not able to keep her.
On 23 of November Sissy left our beautiful island in order to meet her new family in Holland. After a 9 hour trip by boat from Amorgos to Piraeus, and then a flight from Athens to Holland, Sissy finally met her amazing new mum who was eager to hold Sissy in her arms. From the first time Sissy felt home so all goes very well.
We want to thank once again "Mirtos Animal Project" for their excellent cooperation and for the help they give to our animals in finding them new forever homes. Most of all, thank you to Henriette, who opened her home and heart to Sissy, offering her a wonderful new life. We wish Sissy and Henriette all the best!!
Her name is Sissy and what a sweetheart. Just one year old, Sissy is a petite princess, weighing only 5 kilos (11 pounds). We think she is a terrier mix.
She came to us from the nearby island of Iraklia, where she was abandoned as a puppy. A loving family saved her from the streets and took care of her until they had to leave the island. Unfortunately they were not able to keep her.
She is very quiet and calm and although she was found in the streets, she has learned to be in a home. She gets along well with cats and other dogs and she adores children, having spent some of her puppyhood with a child. She will be spayed, vaccinated and dewormed with an accepted adoption contract.
We are sure that our little princess will become the best companion you could ever ask for! She is 5 kilos of pure joy! Please contact us for more information about the adoption process.
See a short video of Sissy here: https://youtu.be/5h4Yy6iOtLg
Sissy's microchip number is 941000016719465.
Bob is one of the five small puppies who were abandoned last year outside of a field in Amorgos. After many months with us, a local family of shepherds asked to adopt Bob and begin the work of training him to watch over their herds of goats and sheep. Although we told them that Bob loved to chase anything that moved they assured us that they would be able to turn him into a good watchdog.
Unfortunately, Bob was very happy to chase the herd but not to control it, and, so, after two months, Bob came back to us at the Center. He is now a very sweet and smart boy who loves to be with people. He is calm, gentle with children and comfortable with other dogs as well as with cats. As long as there are no goats or sheep to chase, he is the most easygoing of fellows.
Bob is now living with his sister Akira and his brother Arangon in an enclosure in Amorgos. Unfortunately, due to the lack of foster homes and volunteers on the island, these young dogs spend only a short time with people who come each day to care for them and they urgently need homes and human attention.
Bob’s mother was a pure breed Belgian Shepherd Groenendael and his father was a Greek Shepherd mixed breed. He is one year old, weighs 30 kg, is neutered and fully vaccinated, and his microchip number is 941000016719317.
Our great hope is that Bob will find a new and loving family on which to lavish his immense capacity for joyful affection.
Luna is a mixed beagle and hound who was found in Chora in August of 2014.
Luna had been left tied in the sun without water or food by a young girl who did not understand the responsibilities of caring for a puppy. She was malnourished and frightened and she cried through the night until we rescued her and took her to our Center.
Luna stayed in our Center for only a few months because she was lucky enough to be very quickly adopted. In October of 2014 she traveled from Amorgos to the airport in Athens and then on to Holland. When she arrived at the airport she was curious and went immediately to her new family but it had been a very long journey and she was tired and slept on that last leg of the journey to her new home.
Luna is adored by her family and she is enjoying the green grass, the cows, rides in the car and long naps on her new blanket. She loves to play and run and, even though she is sometimes shy, the cats and the children love her. We are so very happy for Luna and we wish her the best in her new long life.
In November of 2014 we had this update from her family—“Everything is going very well. At this moment Luna is having her “chill time with a bone” while I am in my room. She is getting used to all the new things in her life and we can see that she is a very happy young pup. At times she is still a bit nervous but when she sees that we are relaxed and there for her she relaxes as well. Luna learns quickly and she is still growing. We all love her very much and we can no long imagine life without Luna.”
These photographs show how much Luna has blossomed in the heart of her new family. We are so grateful that she has found a loving home.
Akira, the remaining dog of a litter of puppies that we rescued since Sept 2015, has been adopted by a family in the Netherlands. We could not be more thrilled for her. Her new best friend is another former stray dog from Athens called Andras.
Here is what Akira's new mum wrote to us:
Andras (our other male dog) and Akira are good friends!!! They play together a lot and even lie on the sofa together, against each other. Except when Robin (my son) is home. Then Akira INSISTS on lying with him. Akira is a very easygoing dog, doesn't bark when she is alone, and doesn't destroy things. Well....she started to eat the carpet twice, but a firm NO was enough.
She pulls a lot though when walking on the leash. We went to an enclosed piece of land where she could be free and then it was obvious why she pulls so much on the leash: ENERGY... running up and down like crazy. So this has become our daily walk: one hour to the terrain, one hour there and one hour back home. Now the dogs are content and good for the whole day.
Akira, have a wonderful life with your new family!
Number of microchip: 941000016719319
Akira is a mixed breed female Belgian Shepherd Groenendael (her mother was a purebred Belgian Shepherd Groenendael, and her father was a mixed breed Greek Shepherd mixed breed). She weighs 22 kg, is 10 month old, not spayed yet, fully vaccinated. Just like that of the the rest of the family, her tail is short.
Akira is Arangon’s sister. When he was about two months he was abandoned with her 2 sisters and 2 brothers. We tracked down the man responsible for this who, apologized, accepted to sterilize his female dog (the mother) and to cover all expenses for the puppies until all of them are adopted.
Akira wants to be close to people and she listens quite attentively when you call her. She is a happy and quiet puppy: she remains quite nonplussed when driven around in a car. Right now she rooms with her brother Arangon, as all the other puppies have been adopted. Unfortunately, due to a lack of foster homes for dogs in Amorgos, the space they have at their disposal is very small and our assistant can only spend with them half hour a day.
She gets along very well with other dogs, male or female, small or big, children and even cats, but best of all she loves humans and will make a great companion.
Number of microchip: 941000016719394.
Fido is a mixed breed male Collie. He weighs 30 kg, is 2 years old, neutered, and fully vaccinated. His blood tests turned out negative for Leishmania and Erlicheia.
Fido initially was supposed to be a shepherd dog but it just so happens that he is afraid goats!! His shepherd owner was given to our organization. Before then he lived in the mountains, tied up most of the time, with very little to eat. Despite this awful start in life, Fido is a very happy and active dog who acts like a puppy.
Fido has been with us less than a month and we have worked to familiarize him with his new environment, both physical and social. Sometime he is afraid of things he does not know and his general reaction is to sit down. He did so every time a car (which he had never seen) went by. He adores water so much, so we occasionally bring him to the sea. Fido is a smart, easy to handle dog, and he loves everybody and he is easily trained.
Just like Arangon and Akira he lives in a small enclosure. He badly needs a loving home, even one not so close to the ocean. Please contact us if you are interested in adopting him. We're sure you won't regret it.
Number of microchip: 941000016719318
Arangon is a mixed breed male Belgian Shepherd Groenendael (his mother was a purebred belgian shepherd Groenendael and his father a mixed breed Greek shepherd). He is 10 months old, neutered, fully vaccinated and weighs 30 kg. His tail, just like that of his father, is short. When he was about two months he was abandoned with his 3 sisters and 1 brother. We tracked down the man responsible for this who, apologized, accepted to sterilize his female dog (the mother) and to cover all expenses for the puppies until all of them are adopted.
Arangon is a happy, active puppy, easy to handle: he responds quickly to what is being asked of him and shows great affection for humans. Right now he rooms with his sister Akira, as all the others puppies have been adopted. Unfortunately, due to a lack of foster homes for dogs in Amorgos, the space they have at their disposal is very small and our assistant can only spend with them half hour a day.
He gets along very well with other dogs, male or female, small or big, children and even cats.
Koutcho is now called Charley. He is living the good life with a young couple who adopted him after he arrived in Holland in Dec 2009. They could see beyond his lame front leg and saw the goodness inside. Charley now gets to go traveling all over Holland, when he accompanies his new owner on his business trips. He also loves going out for bike rides in his special bike-cart with his new family. At home he feels safe and loved and has become friends with two fellow cats. A happy ending for a deserving dog!
Name: Mickay
Color: Black & White
Breed: Mix
Gender: Male
Age: About 6 years
We believe that Mickay was born in January of 2010.
After being abandoned by a hunter who had no further use for him, Mickay was taken in by two young teenage boys who kept him on a short chain behind a shed where sheep and pigs were housed. When he was discovered by our volunteers Lamia and Eleftheria, Mickay was in a grave state of malnutrition. Lamia and Eleftheria began to feed and to walk him and they eventually persuaded the boys to release him into the care of the local animal welfare society.
Sweet Mickay came to us at AZI a few months later and he stayed with us for five years but he has now found his forever home. His new family lives in Italy but they also have a home on Amorgos and when they met Mickay, and learned of his story, they wanted to offer him a new life.
In March he traveled with Lamia Enan from Amorgos to Italy where he now lives in a huge garden in the Villa Lagarina along with five other active and happy dogs.
Mickay, the loving dog who had a most difficult start in life, has finally found the safe and precious well-cared-for life that he so deserves.
Mikay Before
Name: Negra
Color: White
Breed: Labrador Mix
Gender: Female
Age: About 2 years
Her name is Negra, the Greek for “black woman,” which only serves to emphasize the humor and good nature of this mixed white Labrador.
Negra came into our care in September of 2014 and we believe that she must now be about two and a half years old.
Negra was abandoned in Aegiali when she was only a puppy and our volunteers were concerned about not only her care and feeding but also about the danger of the roads. The owner of one of the restaurants in Langada agreed to take her and feed her but he could not make a true home for this lost puppy. Now and then the assistants in his restaurant would take Negra home for a short stay and the animal lovers of the area would pet her but there were many problems. Negra tended to roam the streets of Langada and Ormos and there was the ever present danger of being killed by either car or poison since other restaurants in the area found her to be a nuisance and complained. At last our volunteers decided to bring her to us in the hopes of finding a lasting home for this sweet neglected dog.
And that is the miracle that happened. A family in Holland took Negra to live with them along with their five year old boy and their two small dogs. Everyone is flourishing, Negra has been enrolled in basic training courses and the family is in love with our dear Negra.
We are happy to report that Anta has been adopted through one of the vets with we work with on the island. Atlas is still with his mother and enjoying life in the country, and is growing up big and strong. Atlas is still available for adoption, but would require training—he does not know how to walk on a leash, he is afraid around people.
Atlas and Anta are 3-month old puppies who we think is going to be medium to large dogs. They were living with their mother in Lefkes but the dogs’ owner is not able to take care of them. (The mother is not up for adoption.) Sweet Atlas and Anta are in need of a loving home and soon–won’t you consider adopting one of them?
Name: Raki
Color: Black & Tan
Breed: Mix
Gender: Female
Age: About 3 years
This beauty is named Raki. She is about 1 year old, and is very friendly with children and other dogs but not so much cats. She’s looking for a new home; what about yours?