Akira — Animal Zone International

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Update: Akira has been adopted!

Akira, the remaining dog of a litter of puppies that we rescued since Sept 2015, has been adopted by a family in the Netherlands. We could not be more thrilled for her. Her new best friend is another former stray dog from Athens called Andras.

Here is what Akira's new mum wrote to us: 

Andras (our other male dog) and Akira are good friends!!! They play together a lot and even lie on the sofa together, against each other. Except when Robin (my son) is home. Then Akira INSISTS on lying with him. Akira is a very easygoing dog, doesn't bark when she is alone, and doesn't destroy things. Well....she started to eat the carpet twice, but a firm NO was enough. 

 She pulls a lot though when walking on the leash. We went to an enclosed piece of land where she could be free and then it was obvious why she pulls so much on the leash: ENERGY... running up and down like crazy. So this has become our daily walk: one hour to the terrain, one hour there and one hour back home. Now the dogs are content and good for the whole day. 

Akira, have a wonderful life with your new family!


Number of microchip: 941000016719319
Akira is a mixed breed female Belgian Shepherd Groenendael (her mother was a purebred Belgian Shepherd Groenendael, and her father was a mixed breed Greek Shepherd mixed breed). She weighs 22 kg, is 10 month old, not spayed yet, fully vaccinated. Just like that of the the rest of the family, her tail is short. 

Akira is Arangon’s sister.  When he was about two months he was abandoned with her 2 sisters and 2 brothers. We tracked down the man responsible for this who, apologized, accepted to sterilize his female dog (the mother) and to cover all expenses for the puppies until all of them are adopted. 

Akira wants to be close to people and she listens quite attentively when you call her. She is a happy and quiet puppy: she remains quite nonplussed when driven around in a car. Right now she rooms with her brother Arangon, as all the other puppies have been adopted. Unfortunately, due to a lack of foster homes for dogs in Amorgos, the space they have at their disposal is very small and our assistant can only spend with them half hour a day. 

She gets along very well with other dogs, male or female, small or big, children and even cats, but best of all she loves humans and will make a great companion.
