Fido — Animal Zone International

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Get to know Fido

Number of microchip: 941000016719394.

Fido is a mixed breed male Collie. He weighs 30 kg, is 2 years old, neutered, and fully vaccinated. His blood tests turned out negative for Leishmania and Erlicheia.

Fido initially was supposed to be a shepherd dog but it just so happens that he is afraid goats!! His shepherd owner was given to our organization. Before then he lived in the mountains, tied up most of the time, with very little to eat.  Despite this awful start in life, Fido is a very happy and active dog who acts like a puppy.

Fido has been with us less than a month and we have worked to familiarize him with his new environment, both physical and social. Sometime he is afraid of things he does not know and his general reaction is to sit down. He did so every time a car (which he had never seen) went by. He adores water so much, so we occasionally bring him to the sea. Fido is a smart, easy to handle dog, and he loves everybody and he is easily trained.

Just like Arangon and Akira he lives in a small enclosure. He badly needs a loving home, even one not so close to the ocean. Please contact us if you are interested in adopting him. We're sure you won't regret it.
