Arangon — Animal Zone International

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Number of microchip: 941000016719318

Arangon is a mixed breed male Belgian Shepherd Groenendael  (his mother was a purebred belgian shepherd Groenendael and his father a mixed breed Greek shepherd). He is 10 months old, neutered, fully vaccinated and weighs 30 kg. His tail, just like that of his father, is short. When he was about two months he was abandoned with his 3 sisters and 1 brother. We tracked down the man responsible for this who, apologized, accepted to sterilize his female dog (the mother) and to cover all expenses for the puppies until all of them are adopted. 

Arangon is a happy, active puppy, easy to handle:  he responds quickly to what is being asked of him and shows great affection for humans. Right now he rooms with his sister Akira, as all the others puppies have been adopted. Unfortunately, due to a lack of foster homes for dogs in Amorgos, the space they have at their disposal is very small and our assistant can only spend with them half hour a day. 

He gets along very well with other dogs, male or female, small or big, children and even cats. 
