Come and Suprise Your Taste Buds! — Animal Zone International

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Come and Suprise Your Taste Buds!

A great chef prepares his dishes on the basis of what he finds at the market each day. So when we asked Chef William Mattiello which wild greens he will use for the risotto, he answers, Those that I will find at the forager’s. And if asked, the forager will answer in turn, Those that nature will make available on the day of the banquet.

Come and let your taste-buds be surprised! This meal will be a full immersion in unbelievable flavors. Rest assured, however: pine-nuts, mallow, green strawberries, chamomile, wild mint, lamb's quarter, purslane, and wild fennel are more than likely to meet you at the Animal Zone Vegetarian Feast to be held at Via Emilia on Sunday, June 25th at 6pm.

We will keep you posted. You’ll be the first to know what’s boiling in Chef’s Mattiello’s crucible.

A double surprise: behind each wild green there is a legend, a myth, a story you'll be happy to learn. Table food will be accompanied by table talks provided by food historian Luigi Ballerini.
