News — Animal Zone International

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Micky is adopted!

Micky looking good


Micky is a 6-year-old Maltese mix that came to our shelter in May. His owner had passed away during the winter and no one else wanted him so Micky roamed around in Chora living under poor conditions. When he arrived, he was full of fleas and ticks and his hair was very tangled. He was difficult to approach and was very fearful. However, after a few weeks, he has become much more friendly and social.

Micky has found a permanent home in Holland. He will be transported from Amorgos to the Athens airport on Dec 10, 2013. Friends will fly with him to Holland. Micky's new family is a nice young couple who had a dog that died at the age of 16 some years ago. Now they are ready for another dog and they are looking forward to Micky's arrival. Bon voyage Micky! We wish you all the best!


A Victory for Liza

Liza when found

Liza when found

On March 21, 2013, members of the association Filozoiki Merimna Amorgou were informed that a dog trapped in yellow plastic cage had been abandoned on the side of the road near Chora, the seat of the Amorgos’ Municipal Government. The cage, was so small (30 cm high) that the dog could not stand upright and was forced to lie in its own feces.

Despite the objections of a police officer who claimed the dog was to remain where it had been found and actually returned to its owner (when found), the FMA volunteers rescued the dog. Later, when the dog's owner was located, he claimed that he had left the dog next to the car of a friend, while he went on an errand, and that the reason the dog was in the cage was to protect it from other animals. His claims and threats, as well as those of the policemen were ignored and the dog was brought it to the AZI Center in Pera Raxidi.


Removed from the cage the dog, a female, was entrusted to the care of a veterinarian. Her conditions were indeed deplorable. The dog was found to have low hematocrit (signs of anemia), poor nutritional status, dehydration, intense ectoparasite load with innumerable ticks throughout her body, mild leukocytosis (evidence of inflammation), and she tested positive for ehrlichiosis. She did not have a microchip and had not been vaccinated.

At the center, the dog, who was given the name of Liza, was treated with competence and care. She was vaccinated and micro-chipped and is now a healthy, friendly, and grateful animal.

The police officer not only did not follow law 4039/2012 and the orders from his employer, the Hellenic Police Department, as well as the recent circular of the Association of Greek Prosecutors, but, against all evidence, tried to convince the members of Filozoiki Merimna Amorgou that the dog's conditions were perhaps not ideal, but definitely acceptable.

Liza’s is one of the many instances of the cruelty against animals which the volunteers of the Filozoiki Merimna Amorgou are determined to vanquish. She was fortunate to be rescued from the hands of her oppressor, but clearly many are the people who do not have any idea of what it means to treat an animal in a manner that could be defined as both humane and civilized.

Liza, healed and happy

Liza, healed and happy

Liza’s owner was formally charged and on November 27, 2013, a trial was held in the three-member Misdemeanor Court of Naxos. He was convicted and sentenced to a 1 year imprisonment (the sentence was suspended, as it is customary for a first time offender) and to pay a fine of 5,000 euros. The court also ruled out the owner’s request to regain possession of the animal. Liza was assigned to the Filozoiki Merimna Amorgou and the dog will live at the AZI's center until a suitable home is found for her.

The defendant has appealed the decision and a new trial will be held in the courts of Syros. The sentence and the fine may be reduced, but the ownership of the dog has been denied once and for all. Liza will never have to face her torturer again.

It is a first, very significant victory, for all the good people of Amorgos who aspire to see their island freed from the insane and useless brutality of a handful of ill-mannered, arrogant and backward looking individuals, still strutting among them, as well as from the lethargic laissez-faire attitude of conniving public officers.


Fall Sterilization Program

The team of EDKE with the volunteer Mairi Tavernaraki and Litsa Passari

The team of EDKE with the volunteer Mairi Tavernaraki and Litsa Passari

With the help of three veterinarians of EDKE and Dr. Maria Despoti, 109 cats and 2 dogs were sterilized on Amorgos over the weekend of November 9-10, 2013. We have to thank our volunteers who worked for two days without a break for the success of the program. They are:

From Aegiali: Giwrgos Kantarakias, Lily Clevede, Mairi Tavernaraki and Jack Mestre From Chora: Νikoleta Kolyda, Anna Kolyda, Marina Pistevou, Giwrgos Anzoulakos and Spyros from Cafe Giasemi From Ag. Georgios Valsamitis: Εvangelia Mavrou and from Katapola: Angeliki Palioura, Litsa Passari, Lamia Enan, Hariklia Psaki, Eleytheria Psaki, Rania Thiraiou, Giannis Vassalos and Gewrgia Symidala and the policeman Konstantinos Kypriotakis from Chora who brought 2 cats

Mairi Tavernaraki (volunteer from Aegiali), Litsa Passari, Angeliki Palioura (president of Filozoiki) and Rania Thiraiou (volunteer from Katapola)

Cat Waiting Room

Cat Waiting Room


Please Join us for our Second Annual Fall Benefit

When Odysseus returns home after twenty years, his beloved dog Argos recognizes him at once. Ancient Greek literature is full of such examples of the strong bond between humans and animals. Sadly this bond in today’s Greece has deteriorated to the point where animals are treated cruelly. Animal Zone International seeks to restore the respect for animals as part of the foundation of the Greek humanist tradition.

Please join us for an evening at Central Park’s famous Boathouse benefiting wild and domestic animals of the island of Amorgos, Greece

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 6:00 pm

Cocktail Reception & Silent Auction

The Loeb Boathouse ~ Central Park, New York City

For more information, please contact Astic Productions at 212-581-1400 or email


Two Tiny Orange Tabbies


A couple of new very young kittens have arrived at the center and are slowing gaining their health and strength.

Artemis, with the beautiful blue eyes, is a female kitten brought to the center as a 1-month old. A kind young man found her and wanted to keep her but his landlady had a different idea about that. He brought Artemis to our center and even offered to do some voluntary work there, which we welcome wholeheartedly.

Fidias and his brother Friksos came to our shelter as frail 1-week old kittens. For some reason their mother rejected and abandoned them. They were found by a man who was concerned for their welfare and brought them to the shelter. Unfortunately, Friksos did not survive despite our best attempts. However Fidias is doing well and growing up.

These lovely kittens will be available for adoption in a few months. Won't you consider giving one of them a new home?


R.I.P. Conan

Rest in Peace, Conan

Conan was brought to the shelter April 2012 by Lamia. At that time he had a large tumor over his right eye and tumors on his legs, yet he had still a huge appetite for life--he ate well and enjoyed playing with the other cats. So we treated his tumors as best as we could, removing the ones that bothered him and his life passed happily at the center. His big personality and courage despite his condition made him a favorite among us. Sadly, it became clear to us recently that he was losing the battle to cancer and it was time to make that difficult decision and offer him a dignified death. Conan died peacefully in Lamia's lap last week. His presence is sorely missed at the center but we are sure he is in a better world now, free of suffering and a big handsome cat again.


Animals and Kids

Below, left: Stefanos, the son of the president of Filozoiki Merimna Amorgou Mrs Angeliki Palioura, has become best friends with the donkey Lambro. Stefanos takes Lambro out for walks very often, and Lambro stays very calm with him. Below, right: Maria comes almost every day to visit the center with her babysitter. You can see how much she enjoys the company of the animals. She and Liza, the rescue dog, are good friends. She also gives big smiles to the kittens.


World Animal Day

On October 4th, World Animal Day, Animal Zone International and Filozwiki Merimna Amorgou visited several primary schools and kindergarten classes in Amorgos. The teachers and students welcomed us with great joy and they happily participated in our program. Children were taught about the rights of animals, heard a fairytale that spoke about love for people and animals, and learned the proper way to approach a dog. Copies of the children's books that AZI published were also distributed.


Ducks and cats

Katapola, August 23rd, 2013: A tourist feeds a colony of ducks and cats who live together on the harbor.


The Blessing of AZI's Facility & Recovery Center in Amorgos

The Philozoike of Amorgos and Animal Zone International celebrated the inauguration of their facilities on August 21, 2013 at 8:00pm. The Center, located in Pera Rahidi of Katapola, Amorgos, was blessed by the Venerable Father Paraskevas Despotidis. Remarks were made by Angeliki Palioura, President of Merinma Philozoike of Amorgos, and Paola Mieli, President of Animal Zone International.


Enjoying the Island

Alexis and Josephina

Alexis and Josephina

The visit with the Fasseas family is going well and has been especially lucky for Josephina, one of the many stray dogs of Greece—she's been adopted by Alexis! As you can see, they have already become good friends. A dinner was given in honor of the Fasseas family, hosted by the Philozoike of Amorgos. Here are, from left: Peter Fasseas, Alexis Fasseas, Paola Mieli, Paula Fasseas. From the right are: Panaghiotis Coveos; Nicolaos Fostieris, the former Mayor of Amorgos; and Angelike Palioura, the president of the Philozoike.

Dinner in honor of the Fasseas by Pholozoike of Amorgos

Dinner in honor of the Fasseas by Pholozoike of Amorgos


Paula Fasseas visits AZI

Fasseas and Angeliki

Fasseas and Angeliki

AZI is pleased to welcome Paula and Peter Fasseas and their daughter Alexis to Amorgos. Paula Fasseas is the president and founder of Chicago Paws. They are here to tour our shelter and consult on our animal rescue project. Below are some first photos of their visit--more to come! (top) Paula Fasseas with Philozoike president Angeliki Palioura

(bottom) Meeting with the Mayor. From left: Mayor Nikita Roussos, Paola Mieli, Paula Fasseas, Litsa Passari (AZI's Coordinator in Amorgos), and Dr. Angeliki Degleri (AZI's vet in Athens).

Meeting the Mayor of Amorgos

Meeting the Mayor of Amorgos


Kittens kittens kittens

These adorable kittens, including Chloe, were rescued this summer. Several were raised by the bottle. They will be available for adoption once they are over 2 months old. Are you able to give one of them a home? Visit the Adoption page to read more about our available cats and kittens.
