Adoption Stories — News — Animal Zone International

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Adoption Stories

Little Taz is adopted!

Taz came to our Center in 17 September 2024 after being rescued from the streets. He was only one-month-old and he was dehydrated, malnourished, with terrible diarrhea and a wound in his back from his siblings as he was the weakest.

We never like to separate kittens from their siblings but unfortunately the stronger kittens were playing hard with him and poor Taz who was sick was suffering to such a degree that we feared for his survival.

Now little Taz is not so little anymore and he has so much energy that his mum calls him Taz (from the Tasmanian devil in cartoons). And yes you understood well…Taz has been adopted from an amazing family who adore him.

Here is a small video of him in our care, two weeks after his arrival:


Achilleas has been adopted!

It's time to say goodbye with bittersweet feelings..

Achilleas came into our hands on May 17th, 2024 when he was only 1 day old. See his story here: 

His chance of survival were very slim, but little Achilles proved to be a fighter and he made it! He started eating on his own, he started running and playing and when he was old enough, and soon it was time to amputate his leg amputation—to take care of the permanently open wound that prevented him the chance to live a normal life. 

Jarkko Mehtälä was the man who found him initially, while on vacation in Amorgos, and it was he who brought him to us. He said then that if Achilleas lived he would come back in the fall to get him and they both kept their promise. One lived and the other came all the way from Finland to Amorgos and back to make him part of his family. And today Achilleas left the island where he was born and traveled to a new life in distant Finland where a warm home and two more cats await him.

And what can we say now about this man who crossed Europe, with all that entails, to offer a home to a cat from Amorgos. Thank you seems too small. Achillea and Jarkko Mehtälä, we wish you a very beautiful and long life together! Have a nice trip!

You can follow Achilleas on his own Instagram page!


Olivia and Oliver, from Amorgos to the Netherlands

Olivia (above) and Oliver (below) were found with terrible eye infections on the streets of a village called Langada in Amorgos. Their mother was a feral cat who had hidden her kittens until they were about a month and a half old. This resulted in them not receiving timely eye care and losing their sight. Many residents felt sorry and tried to help them with treatments on the spot in order not to separate them from their mother at such a young age but without success so finally the kittens were brought to our Center. 

When they arrived they were also both suffering from diarrhea. Oliver had already lost both eyes and Olivia had a very limited vision in her right eye. They received treatment and soon there were two active, beautiful kittens available for adoption. 

The good news came from the Netherlands with Olivia first and Oliver second. Our beautiful Olivia traveled to her new home in Holland in February and our sweet Oliver 5 days ago. 

Due to their blindness, these kittens have no chance of survival on the streets and no chance of adoption in Amorgos, so without this chance their lives would have been a limited one. The fact that these families, so many miles away, opened their homes for them makes us extremely grateful to them.

We wish you both a beautiful, happy, and long life together!!

Here’s a short video of Oliver in his new home in Holland:

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Voris is adopted!!

Τhe year 2023 ended with a very beautiful surprise as its finale—both our rescue dogs Jack and Voris were adopted! The Christmas holidays found both our boys in their new homes! Needless to say how happy we felt for that. (You can read their original post here.)

In the 3 years we had had them in our care, there was not the slightest interest shown in adopting them. Not even a message or a question although they were available for adoption through various organizations in Holland, USA and Italy. We don't know if it was because they were old or liked to chase cats, rabbits and birds or if they were just unlucky. What is certain is that their luck turned in their favour. It started with Jack who was adopted in Italy by our good friends Piero and Beatrice. It was as if with this adoption the bad energy broke and in a very short time the good news came for Voris as well.

Initially there was an interest in hosting Voris from a very sweet person, our new friend Rainer who hosted him in his house in Amorgos. At the same time, on the other side of Europe, an effort was being made to find a permanent home for him. The good news didn't take long to come and Voris would be traveling from Amorgos to Sweden with his good friend Rainer. From Amorgos to Athens, from Athens to Denmark and from Denmark to Sweden, until Voris officially became a Swedish citizen!! Enjoy the video with him in his new country where he finally has what every dog deserves, a warm house and his own family to love and care for him! With Kasja it was love at first sight!

We always try to offer the best we can to the dogs in our care. They can have a kennel to protect them from the weather conditions, they can have clean water, they can have proper food, they can have their medication and vet attention and care when needed, they can have their walks and human presence and attention but at the end of the day they will go back to an impersonal shelter cage. Because this is life in a shelter. However, this is why shelters are places of temporary stay. The shelter is the place they will go to be protected from the dangers they face and it is the first step to a better life. Our goal for these animals is always to find their own family and the effort for this does not stop until this goal is achieved.

A HUGE THANK YOU to our amazing dream team who made this happen!!! Some wish to remain anonymous and we will respect that, but to those we are free to name, we thank Fanny, Rainer, Erica, Marie, Beatrice and Kasja. To all, thank yous are not enough for what you did for Voris and Jack. You are all AMAZING!

Have a wonderful long and happy new life sweet boys! We are finally relieved and very happy for you both Jack and Voris!!


Jack is Adopted!

Jack, a senior at 14 years old, came into our hands 3 years ago under a public prosecutor's order after being seized from his owner. Over the years there was no interest in adopting Jack, and we were afraid that he would die in a shelter without ever feeling the warmth of a family.

And then his angels appeared! Two AMAZING people who decided to offer this amazing dog the loving home he so desperately needs in the golden years of his life.

After spending a few days at with them in Amorgos, the big day of travel arrived. Jack left Amorgos to go to Piraeus, then went from Piraeus to Igoumenitsa, and from Igoumenitsa to Italy. And finally — home!!!

Jack is now in his country of origin as he is a purebred Italian Segugio and is officially an Italian citizen!!

Have a wonderful new, long, happy, cozy life sweet Jack!! We sincerely thank those who supported, loved, and tried hard to offer Jack a better life!


Lucky is adopted!

Lucky, the kitten with the special ears, was adopted and yesterday he moved to his new family.

Adopting a kitten was the constant request of our little friend to her parents for two years. After much thought her parents gave her the green light to adopt a kitten from the animal shelter.

Her little face was shining with joy both when she chose him and also she finally took him in her arms. We are sure they will become the best of friends!!


Porthos is adopted!

In the summer of 2021, four tiny orphaned kittens came to our care: 3 boys and 1 girl, the Three Musketeers and princess Avgi. Not even one week old, with their eyes closed, they could fit in our palms.

Α "human" took them from their mom and threw them in the street like they were rubbish. It took us an entire month of intensive care (and loss of sleep!) until they began to eat on their own. Almost four months later two of them, Athos and Avgi, traveled to their new family in Holland. They had been adopted by the best family who had already adopted another Amorgian kitten, Siouti.

But Ute’s heart was left behind in Amorgos, with the third kitten, named Porthos who had stayed back. She tried to convince her husband Edouard to adopt him too. Porthos was an animal that really needed a home— life as a stray on the streets was not for him and Ute knew that. After nagging Edouard day and night about it she finally managed to convince him. So on her last trip to Amorgos in May she finally got the OK to bring Porthos back to their home in Holland and to reunite him with his brother and sister. The wandering life of an outdoor cat came to an end for Porthos and we were very happy about it.

Ute and Edouard thank you from the bottom of our hearts for once again opening your home and your hearts to creatures in need. Thank you for what you have offered us and the animals of Amorgos. Have a happy and great life together!

Here is a small video of Porthos at his new home!


Update on Achilleas

It was January 2020 when Achilleas left Amorgos, where he was born, and went to his new home in Switzerland. His new mum Pascal and Achilleas had become very good friends during Pascal’s stay at AZI’s Center when she came to do some volunteer work.

Pascal went back to Switzerland in September 2019 but her mind always returned to her friend Achilleas so she decided to adopt him. Our veterinarian and friend Anna traveled with him to Switzerland in January 2020. Since then Achilleas lives a happy and relaxing life forever. Yesterday we received an update on him from Pascal and we wanted to share it with you.

Pascal says: “Look how my cat grew. I put him on a diet a while ago, he is like a classic Greek cat, just eating and lying in the sun.” We’re grateful for the safe and loving home he now has with Pascal.

Here is a small video of him:


Theodora is adopted in England!

Theodora came to our Center in December 2021. When she arrived, she was roughly 2 months old and was suffering from respiratory problems. The girl who found her had to go back home to England and although she was willing to adopt the little kitten, Theodora was too sick to travel. The girl promised to come back to Amorgos and take Theodora to England with her and that's what happened.

In early October 2022, almost a year after Theodora’s arrival in our Center, the moment we were all waiting for had finally come. Theodora said goodbye to Amorgos forever and started the journey to her new country. She is now in her new home and has completely adapted to her new life. The two dogs of the family accepted her very easily and everything went smoothly for her.

Another happy ending!!!

Here are two short videos of Theodora at her home in England:


Two orphaned kittens are adopted

It was 3 pm on a day in the midst of our autumn sterilization program when the mobile of our program coordinator rang. Two tiny kittens had been crying since early morning while the mother was nowhere to be found.

The weather in Chora where they were was too cold and windy for them to stay alone any longer so we ran over to pick them up. The boy was huge for his age and in good condition but very hungry. The girl on the other hand was half the size of her brother, only skin and bones, with hypothermia and respiratory problems—a difficult case.

We were afraid that she wouldn't survive. We started intensive care with frequent small amounts of milk formula for kittens, vitamins, antibiotics, and heating agents and despite the odds not being on her side the little girl proved to be a fighter.

Two days later, the kittens were given to Angeliki who volunteered to foster them. That same day her family decided to adopt them so it was one of our fastest adoptions ever. In Angeliki's experienced hands the kittens got stronger, grew up, started eating on their own and have brought the house up and down with their energy. The little girl who was named Popi will soon travel to Athens where a new sister is waiting for her. Thank you so much Angeliki for all your support and efforts.

Foster homes are a great help both for us, as it opens up space for another animal in need, and for the animal itself, as it learns to live and behave in a home environment, so it is properly prepared when adopted. If you cannot adopt a cat, consider fostering a cat so you can be part of its life's journey.

Here are two short videos of them:

When they were found:

When they started to eat by themselves:


Jordan is adopted!

Jordan, our handsome, special boy was adopted by a very nice family in Athens. Two years ago, the same family had adopted another three-legged female kitten named Nala. But Nala was home alone for many hours because the members of the family had to go to work or to school, so they decided to adopt a second cat for Nala to have as company.

Litsa, our program coordinator, happened to know the family's cousin who saw our Facebook post through which we were looking for a family for Jordan, and she informed the family. Jordan seemed to be the perfect match for Nala. Jordan is missing his left hind leg while Nala is missing her right foreleg. Both are black and white, while Jordan is a boy and Nala is a girl.

The decision from the family came right away and it was positive. The references for the family were excellent and their cousin happened to be in Amorgos at the time so she could take Jordan back to Athens with her immediately. Εverything fit together so perfectly and Jordan became part of a beautiful family.

The first few days, Nala was a bit wary of him, but within a week they became best friends and were already sleeping together. Now they are inseparable and have turned the house into a big playground. Their mom is looking for a place to decorate the Christmas tree, as it might soon be taken down, and she is seriously considering hanging it from the ceiling.

Here is Jordan’s original story:

And here you can watch a short video of Jordan with his new sister Nala at their home in Athens:

Have a nice life, sweet Jordan!


Cuba's story

They met in July—he was a stray in Arkesini and she on holiday in Amorgos. This total sweetheart of a cat wanted nothing but affection and it was love at first sight. Unfortunately, she already had four cats at home and could not adopt a fifth. So it was with a heavy heart that she had to leave him behind.

However she did not forget him and was determined to get him off the streets. That was when our phone rang. "If I manage to find a foster home for him will you be able to pick him up and send him to me?" Of course we would!

One doesn’t deprive an animal such a golden opportunity, especially when he is living a dangerous life on the street and is so personable and friendly. And so—great news!! —a foster was found with the possiblity of adoption.

And then it was our turn. Ship transportation was arranged with the most reliable assistance of Eva K. and Pepi G.—our tireless volunteers (as always, we thank you!).

Then our program coordinator Litsa went to Arkesini to pick him up. We had a small hurdle when she looked all over for him but couldn’t find him. Disappointed, she turned to leave, and right then, he appeared, meowing a little hello to her.

That was when we learned a little more about his life: he had been fed and cared for by a teacher who left. We also learned that his name was Cuba. But the fact remained that he had no home so Litsa put him in a transporting cage and brought him back to our Center.

Τhe next day we said our goodbyes at the port. Natassa was waiting for him in Piraeus at 5am. We thank Natassa, his guardian angel, for investing so much time, effort, and money into this little fellow (she took him to the vet for neutering, a microchip, and tests). People like Natassa make our world a better place.

Today Cuba is going to his foster home and who knows, maybe this will become his permanent home.

Have a good life sweet Cuba—live happily for many, many years!!


Athos and Avgi are adopted!

Dear Athos (from the Three Musketeers) and Avgi, Almost 4 months ago when you arrived you were just a bunch of little creatures. Not even one week old, with your eyes closed, you could fit in our palms. Α "human" took you from your mom and threw you in the street like you were rubbish. It took us one entire month of intensive care (and loss of sleep!) to start eating on your own.

Now, almost four months later, you are two chubby monsters and today a new life opens before you. Today you say goodbye to Amorgos forever and begin the journey to your new home and life. You have been adopted by the best family and you will soon be hanging out with another Amorgian kitten, Siouti, who has no idea yet what awaits her. We will miss you! But despite the grief of separation, we are very happy for you because you could not have landed in better hands.

Ute K. and Edouard A., thank you from the bottom of our hearts for once again opening your home and your hearts to creatures in need. Thank you for what you have offered us and the animals of Amorgos. Have a happy and great life together! Have a good trip our little monsters and have a good start in your new life!


Update on Mayia

June 2021—Mayia was abandoned about a year ago along with another dog in the Kolofana area. It took us several months to catch her as she was literally scared of people. See her full story here:

It only took her a few days to adore the man who cared for her and to reveal her funny and sweet character. But she continues to be cautious and afraid of strangers. Luckily this was not an obstacle for the people who decided to make her a member of their family.

in June, Mayia traveled to her new country and became a Dutch citizen. She lives now in a beautiful house with a family of a mother and two children who already adore her. Mayia (now Maia) is already quite happy and settled in her new environment.

Here is a recent message from her new family:

“Good morning from Holland! It's raining a lot this morning. Maia loves it and the green grass. She slept very well and now feels more relaxed and she wants to play! We are so happy with this little Miss Sunshine! Greetings from rainy Holland.”


Siouti is adopted!

June 2021—Siouti was only 2 months old when she was found by our friend Iannis in the middle of the road to Aegiali, in a deserted location. Unfortunately she was already quite blind due to a bad eye infection. Iannis took care of her for as long as he could but because he travels often he could not keep her so Siouti came to our Center.

We confirmed that Siouti was completely blind; additionally she tested positive for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Luckily that didn’t stop her from being adopted by a wonderful couple in Holland.

On 16th of June, Siouti traveled to her new country and is now a Dutch citizen. Her new mum Ute loves Amorgos and has been coming here for about 10 years. This year she decided to spend her holiday in Amorgos by helping animals, which was wonderful for us since she decided to volunteer at our Center. It was then that she met Siouti and fell in love with her. After a week her partner Edouard joined the group, and he fell in love with Siouti as well.

Siouti lives now in a beautiful house in Amsterdam and although she is completely blind has already become completely accustomed to the environment. Here is a message from her mum:

Hello Litsa, all is fine with Siouti, she also came to sleep next to us last night. She is settling well, it’s amazing how quickly she knows the house, where the doors are, where to jump on or off, it’s incredible!

Here are 2 short videos of Siouti at her new home in Holland:


Update on Georgia

June 2021—From the streets of Athens to AZI's Center in Amorgos, then from AZI's Center to a beautiful home in Holland, Georgia—now called Dumpy—was a blind, sweet kitten we rescued in the summer of 2020.

Now, she has become a Dutch citizen and has a wonderful life in a warm home with a very big loving family. Here are some of the recent photos we received from her mum.

See her original story here:



In May 2020, Casper was found abandoned in a remote area of Amorgos, thin and very frightened. (You can read the original post of his story here.)

Once rescued, Casper turned into a darling boy. From the start, a number of people showed interest in adopting him but in those early months he was frightened of everyone so we decided to keep him a little longer until he began feel more secure.

Casper was temporarily placed with a family with extensive experience nurturing dogs who have experienced trauma and soon he blossomed into a calmer dog. Once he was ready for adoption, a family in Holland was ready and waiting for him but Covid-19 made travel impossible.

Finally, in January of 2021, Casper traveled from Amorgos to Piraeus with our program coordinator and the next morning he was on his way to his new home. Casper is now a Dutch National and he loves his new home and his new dad.

We offer our thanks to Herman for giving a loving home to this sweet boy and we thank Mirtos Animal Project for helping to make this possible.

To our tiny sweet ghost, we wish you a wonderful long life with your new family.

casper is adopted! (2).jpg


Lemonaki gazes at her childhood photograph which was taken at our program coordinator’s home nine years ago. Back then, she was a tiny underfed two-month-old kitten found in Katapola square in Amorgos.

But, through grace and good luck, she was adopted by an amazing couple, Malin and Emilio, where she now lives a safe and happy life in Sweden and treated like a queen.

Thank you Malin and Emilio!!


Melenia and Marianna

Marianna arrived in our Center in Oct 2019 when she was only two months old, a tiny undernourished kitten both blind and deaf and suffering from a number of neurological problems. Born in a garden in the area of Katapola, Marianna was cared for by the owner of the garden who had allowed a colony of cats and kittens to call his garden home. When he realized that Marianna had serious health issues he turned to AZI for help, and since then she has been under our care. Unfortunately, her eyesight and hearing were permanently damaged so could not be saved, but we felt that she was healthy and happy enough to be adopted.

Melenia had come to our center two months before Marianna, a tiny kitten only two months old with serious injuries from being hit by a car. She was given very low chances of survival but in spite of this, she proved to have great strength and a powerful will to live. Melenia had also lost her vision due to the impact but over time it returned and the only lingering result of her injury now is a slight limp. Her moving story is told here:

The stories of Marianna and Melenia merge with the story of two visitors to Amorgos from Germany. During their holidays two years ago they found a very sick cat in the streets of Aegiali and they learned about our center when trying to rescue this cat. Although we tried our best to save this cat, unfortunately, it did not survive.

Time passed, Kris and Lauren were ready to adopt a pet, they decided on a cat from our island in memory of the one they had tried so hard to save. We had only Marianna and Melenia available at that time, both special needs cats, but the caring couple decided to adopt both.

Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, the wait to receive these two cats was long but finally, Melenia and Marianna have joined Kris and Lauren to become one family. Our coordinator Litsa traveled with the cats from Amorgos to the airport in Athens and Kris arrived from Munich to take these two sweet cats home.

We give our heartfelt thanks to Kris and Lauren, a lovely and amazing young couple, and we wish the four of them a long and very happy life together. We will miss our sweet special girls but we know that they will be warm and safe and enveloped with love.

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