AZI Center — News — Animal Zone International

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AZI Center

A Generous Donation

Dr. Parker, an amazing woman. came in contact with us in April to ask us what are the needs of our Center because she wanted to help. Within the variety of needs was also a very practical and useful item for the sterilization programs which is called Queens Cage drop over.

It was a goal and dream of ours to have at least one of those cages one day. Mrs Parker not only immediately offered to buy them for us, not one or two but 10 of them, but she also undertook all the logistics to buy them and send them from the UK to Greece, which was very expensive and complicated, but with her persistence, she succeeded.

We want to THANK SO MUCH Mrs. Parker for her generous donation. We have already used the cages in our autumn sterilization program and they helped us enormously. Thank you!



On October 6, 2024, Fouskos, a one month-old kitten, arrived at our center. His mother ahd abandoned him and he was crying non-stop for 2 days. A kindhearted woman felt sorry for him and took him in but she had to leave Amorgos so she asked for our help. And that's how Fouskos ended up in our hands.

We began him on intensive care with regular feedings, a heating pad, antibiotics and eye drops for the respiratory and eye infection he was suffering from and soon little Fouskos recovered, gained weight and started to play.

Since then Fouskos is being fostered at our Center but life in a warm home is always better than the life at the shelters or on the streets, and as a friendly kitty, we hope a loving family will come forward and give him the happy life he deserves. How about yours?

Here is a small video of him the first day he came in our care, looking quite scruffy:



Claire, our great and passionate volunteer, has completed her mission here in Amorgos. She arrived from Bulgaria where she also volunteered at dog shelters there, but originally hails from the United Kingdom. We were lucky to have her with us for three weeks in October. A dedicated volunteer, Claire stayed beyond her shift hours and working days, offering great help to our animals and us.

We are grateful for our very special time with Claire and wish her all the best! We are waiting for her return when AZI’s new Center is built.

Here is a small video of her during the release of 6 kittens from our Center:


Fall sterilization program

Fall sterilization program


The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International will carry out a sterilization program for stray cats. We ask those who take care of stray cats in their area and those who are interested in participating to contact us.

According to Law 4830/2021, article 9 (par. 1) & 10, sterilization of dogs and cats is MANDATORY except for the animals whose genetic sample of material (DNA) has been sent to the genetic storage and analysis laboratory pet.

The surgeries will take place at the Veterinary clinic of Animal Zone International in Pera Rachidi (Katapola)

Contact telephone numbers: 22850-71717 & 697 4990 045

 Sponsor: Blue Star Ferries



Our last volunteer for this summer was a sweet Spanish young girl named Alanis, who came to us through the WorkAway website. 

Alanis worked with us for three weeks in August and her help was very important for us.  A dedicated volunteer, Alanis not only helped us with our daily chores at the Center but she also helped our veterinarian and stayed beyond her shift hours.

We are grateful for our very special time with Alanis and wish her many more beautiful journeys and experiences.

Thank you Alanis! 

Hope to see you again in Amorgos. You have made some friends here.


Sarah and Tabitha

Two more wonderful volunteers joined our team this summer. 

Sarah Kate, a young veterinary student who came from Tampa, Florida (USA) and stayed for two weeks and Tabitha, who is also a veterinary student who came from London (United Kingdom) and stayed the whole July.  

Τhe girls’ help was valuable to us as well as to our veterinarian. Our sterilization program continued throughout the summer so our vet was happy to have their help on the surgeries. Additionally the girls learned valuable things that they will need in their careers. Both girls were always willing to help and we are grateful for our very special time with them and wish them a long and fruitful career.

Thank you Sarah and Tabitha! 

We are waiting for you to return upon your graduation for a sterilization program at the new clinic!



Our wonderful volunteer, Magdalena, who came to us through the WorkAway website, has completed her mission here in Amorgos.

Magda, who comes from Poland, is a veterinary student who worked with us for three weeks in June. She quickly developed a rapport with our animals. A dedicated volunteer, Magda stayed beyond her shift hours, and we know that all the animals she will help in the future will be touched by her calm and gentle manner.

We are grateful for our very special time with Magda and wish her a long and fruitful career.

Thank you, Magda! 

We are waiting for your return, after your graduation, to join us for a sterilization program at the new clinic.


Strong Little Achileas

Achileas and his sister were found in the area of the Castle of Chora on Amorgos both in bad shape. For Achileas, his umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around his leg, restricting blood flow and causing major damage to his limb. His sister had a terrible wound on her front leg, down to the bone, and sadly she did not survive. 

However we are very hopeful that little Achileas will make it—he is clearly a fighter. He is now 13 days old and thriving. Unfortunately at this time there is not much we can do about his damaged leg—he’s far too young for surgery now—but this does not seem to bother him at all. He is very resilient and active and eats with a great appetite and we hope he will continue to get stronger each day!

We are optimistic that we can nurse him back to health but we can’t do it alone. Please help and make a donation now.

Here are 3 short videos: 

  1. When he came to our Center:

  2. At 13 days old:

  3. Achileas eating from his bottle:


Lacta's brothers

The day after Lacta was found next to her mother who had been killed by car, and who came to us thanks to the teachers of Aegiali’s primary school, two more kittens were found crying near to the area Lacta was found.

Obviously they are Lacta's brothers who started to cry and thankfully people noticed them. The two little ones are both boys and are thriving! Let us introduce you Batman and Robin!


Lacta, a sweet newborn

Lacta, a very young kitten, arrived recently. She’s a sweetie different from the others.💕 Sadly she is an orphan as her mother was found dead. Thanks to the teachers of the primary school of Aegiali she has come to us safe and sound.

Here is a small video from her arrival into a box for sweets:

and one more of her first day in our care:

Here at AZI’s Center she will be treated to the best care we can offer! If you’d like to help please consider a virtual adoption or a donation. More info can be found here.


Sfigos crosses the rainbow

We are sad to report that Sfigos, our 14-15 year old feline mascot of AZI’s Center, has passed away.

Sfigos had become unsteady in his hind legs in his old age, but then it got so bad that he started to drag himself. In addition, a tumor appeared in his ear. Unfortunately he was diagnosed with a herniated disc in the spine and cancer in the ear in a difficult spot near the head.  

It was with a very heavy heart that we agreed to euthanasia because we didn’t want him to suffer either by being in pain or by being stuck living a reduced life in a cage or being stuck indoors (he was an outdoor cat).

We hope we made the right decision and that our sweet Sfigos now lives in another, better world. We miss you a lot our sweet, beautiful boy.


Mediterranean Seal Rescue Network Kit

As part of AZI's participation in the Mediterranean Seal Rescue Network we received a small "kit" for providing first aid to seals in need from Society for the Study and Protection of the Mediterranean Seal (MOm).

This kit contains: Esophageal feeding tube, feeding funnel, towel & disposable suit for small orphaned animal cases and scalpel and sampling vial for dead animal cases. It also contains a short first response guide in the event of a seal in distress.

In the last 2 years we have rescued several newborn orphaned seals, so this kit will be very useful for future cases when we encounter seals in need. Monk seals (Monachus monachus) are an endangered species.

A big thank you to MOm's team for the wonderful work they do in the Greek seas and for their unwavering support whenever we need them in a seal-in-distress incident.


Panhellenic Animal Welfare School Day

The announcement of the Ministry of Education 28131/GD4/15-3-2024 filled us with joy and optimism for the future, as it declares the 4th of April each year as the Panhellenic Animal Welfare School Day. Beginning this year, April 4th, the International Day of Stray Animals, is being established in Greek Primary and Secondary Education schools as Panhellenic Animal Welfare Day.

Expected results of the Panhellenic Animal Welfare School Day are the information and awareness of students about biodiversity and the various forms of life, with an emphasis on well-being and the cultivation of sensitivity and empathy for every living being, the recognition and respect of the rights of animals through their active protection, as well as the involvement of male and female students in activities of taking actions and animal welfare initiatives.

In the context of these actions and after an invitation from the teachers, AZI visited the primary school of Katapola. Together with the students, we watched a short film titled "Life through the Eyes of Stray Animals" and some spots, followed by a discussion about animal welfare. The students then created and painted animal-themed posters and bookmarks and then we walked together to our equine shelter where the children met the animals, learned about them, and treated them with carrots and apples. Τhen the students visited our Center where the local vet Dr. Dimitrios Simos spoke to them, met and played with our cats as well as a baby goat.

It was a very beautiful day for children and adults alike!

We want to warmly thank the teachers who gave us the opportunity to talk to the children and acquaint them with the animals and our Center and shelter.


Winter sterilization program


Come with us to sterilize the strays of our neighborhood!

The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International will carry out a sterilization program for stray cats. According to Law 4830/2021, article 9 (par. 1) & 10, sterilization of dogs and cats is MANDATORY except for the animals whose genetic sample of material (DNA) has been sent to the genetic storage and analysis laboratory pet.

The surgeries will take place at the Veterinary clinic of Animal Zone International in Pera Rachidi (Katapola)

Contact telephone numbers: 22850-71717 & 697 4990 045

Sponsor: Blue Star Ferries


R.I.P. Singi

Our hearts broke yesterday when we had to say goodbye to the purest soul to grace this world.

Singi grew up at our Center since he was four months old. Two years ago he developed an autoimmune disease that created sores on his face. He visited the vet many times, he went through many treatments and fought hard but he left yesterday for the long journey.

Dear Singi, you were a fighter who taught our hearts so much about love and the will to live. You will forever be missed.


Marios' broken jaw

His name is Marios for a very good reason! Marios got hit by a car and he is still alive thanks to the sensitivity and persistence of a woman from the neighborhood where he lived. Marios comes from Xylokeratidi, an otherwise safe area for cats.

Being hit by a car has cost him a badly broken jaw, but the dangerous thing was that after the accident he was so scared, that he was hiding from people so that he could not be caught to get help from the vet. Due to the fracture, he was not able to eat.

Angela made a lot of effort to find and catch him for many days without a result. When a week had passed since the accident, she decided that on that day he must be caught or otherwise he would not survive. So she asked for help, which was given to her!

The local vet Dimitris went on the spot where the cat had been hiding from the previous day and as soon as the cat felt safe, he went straight to him. The next day, Marios traveled to Naxos where he had surgery.

Marios is now back at our Center where he will remain for at least a month. He eats with appetite, he gained weight and he is more relaxed and happy!

Another soul was saved because a human being cared for him!

Thank you Angela!

Please, don't ignore an animal that looks like it's in trouble—ask for help. Every creature's life is precious.

Here are two short videos of him:


An amazing volunteer from Canada

Her name is Janel, and what an amazing volunteer!

Although she is only 18 years old, she decided to make the very long trip from Canada to Amorgos to offer voluntary help to the animals of our island. This in itself makes her special.

She came to Amorgos and volunteered for two weeks. She cleaned cages, weeded gardens and enclosures, walked dogs, took care of kittens, brushed donkeys, gave her attention and love to sick cats as if she were an already experienced volunteer. Always punctual and always responsible, whatever she was doing. A smiling, sweet, young woman with an eagerness to give.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Janel, for what you have given us and the animals of Amorgos. We will be very happy to see you again. AZI’s family will always be here for you. We wish you a happy life and may all your dreams come true.

Here you can find more information about our Student Volunteering program with which you too can come to Amorgos and help the animals of the island:

Hope to see you soon!


A Class Visit

On Wednesday, June 31, 2023, we had the great pleasure of welcoming the children of the kindergarten of Katapola to our Center. The children had the opportunity to see up close the animals we care for. They went crazy with our youngest guests, Luke and Leia, the two orphaned kittens who are 1-month-old. The children helped Litsa to bottle feed them and they couldn't stop petting them.

After the Center, it was the equine shelter’s turn, where the children treated our donkeys and mule with carrots. They also met our two dogs, Voris and Jack, and they learned how to approach a dog safely.

It was a great and happy day and we would like to thank the kindergarten teacher Maria Krithioti from the bottom of our hearts for this initiative, as well as the parents who accompanied the group: Sofia, Mina and Vivy. It is very important that children are taught from a young age to look after, care for, and respect animals.

We are grateful for this sweet gift of the community.



The time for our spring sterilization program has arrived. The Greek Action of Volunteer Veterinarians (GAVV or EDKE, in Greek) will be in Amorgos for this weekend —the 4 & 5 of March. The team will consist of four veterinarians, and the goal is to sterilize 100 cats in two days!

The Municipality of Amorgos are underwriting the transport, accommodation, and meals of the team as well as 30 new transporting cages. GAVV – EDKE will volunteer services, medicines and surgical supplies, and AZI will provide the organization, volunteers, clinic, equipment and other supplies such as detergents and underpads.

This program is crucial to control the animal population on Amorgos. Without it, the cat colonies will balloon to unsustainable sizes, which presents challenges to keeping members healthy and safe.

Please consider supporting our efforts. Donate today!
