DEC 2022—We sincerely thank the stores of Mr. Alexios Tsamis and Captain Τροφοδοσίες Ελλάδος in Katapola for the donation of 3 bags of dry food and 3 packets of underpads for the animals we care for. Both AZI and AZI’s animals are so grateful!
Ruby is now a Dutch citizen
UPDATE JAN 2023— Ruby, now Vincent, has been adopted!
In July, we received a phone call concerning a kitten that got into a car engine and was almost turned into mincemeat. He was a tiny little creature, only 2 months old. The extent of the injuries was very severe and we were not at all certain that he would make it.
His suffering was immense and he had just started his life. But the little boy turned out to be a great fighter. He overcame everything and the only thing left to remind us of the accident is one missing ear and a crooked right leg. We called him Ruby and you can read his full story here:
Time passed and Ruby grew up but the long-awaited and hoped for adoption news did not come. (There was an almost chance, but it was canceled because the little one tested positive for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) 1/100).
So our one and only Ute Kohlmann, whom we really don't know how to thank anymore, decided to take him to the Netherlands so that he could have a better chance of finding a home there. Ute searched and found a girl, named Kim, who will host him (maybe eventually fall in love with him and adopt him, perhaps?) and during this time she will help us look for a permanent home for our sweet Ruby. We hope that the new year will bring him own home with a family to adore him.
We would like to thank Kyriaki, Julia and Polykarpos who supported Ruby during his hospitalization and accompanied him on his journey from Amorgos to Athens; Pepi and Daniel who once again opened up their home — they not only hosted him but also escorted him to the airport; Kim who opened up her home to host him in the Netherlands; and finally Ute: we have no words for her anymore...Thank you seems too little…
Here is a small video of Ruby in Athens where he stayed for about 10 days:
As you can imagine, his medical treatment was costly—please help us help others like Ruby by making a donation here:
Theodora is adopted in England!
Theodora came to our Center in December 2021. When she arrived, she was roughly 2 months old and was suffering from respiratory problems. The girl who found her had to go back home to England and although she was willing to adopt the little kitten, Theodora was too sick to travel. The girl promised to come back to Amorgos and take Theodora to England with her and that's what happened.
In early October 2022, almost a year after Theodora’s arrival in our Center, the moment we were all waiting for had finally come. Theodora said goodbye to Amorgos forever and started the journey to her new country. She is now in her new home and has completely adapted to her new life. The two dogs of the family accepted her very easily and everything went smoothly for her.
Another happy ending!!!
Here are two short videos of Theodora at her home in England:
A Box of Kittens
Not one, not 2, but 3 kittens were abandoned inside a box and left in the parking lot of Tholaria. The kittens were there from morning till afternoon and no one cared until a good-hearted man took them with him.
But that man was in Amorgos only for a short period of time and eventually had to go back to his hometown, so he needed to find a place to leave the kittens. And soon he found out about us and asked for our help. Of course we couldn’t refuse and the kittens came to our Center.
They are 2 girls and 1 boy, only one month old, healthy and playful babies. In the period during which the kittens came to the Center, we were fighting against a virus which was causing severe diarrhea, so it was not at all the ideal place for the kittens to stay.
We made an appeal to find someone to foster the kittens in a healthier environment for them. Our dear friend Angeliki once again responded immediately to our appeal and took home the 3 kittens along with two more that had been found earlier that month. The boy has already been adopted by Angeliki and her family, but the two girls are still looking for a home.
Our work is never done—there are always new arrivals who need food, shelter, and medical care. Help us by making a donation here: The kittens will be forever grateful!
Two orphaned kittens are adopted
It was 3 pm on a day in the midst of our autumn sterilization program when the mobile of our program coordinator rang. Two tiny kittens had been crying since early morning while the mother was nowhere to be found.
The weather in Chora where they were was too cold and windy for them to stay alone any longer so we ran over to pick them up. The boy was huge for his age and in good condition but very hungry. The girl on the other hand was half the size of her brother, only skin and bones, with hypothermia and respiratory problems—a difficult case.
We were afraid that she wouldn't survive. We started intensive care with frequent small amounts of milk formula for kittens, vitamins, antibiotics, and heating agents and despite the odds not being on her side the little girl proved to be a fighter.
Two days later, the kittens were given to Angeliki who volunteered to foster them. That same day her family decided to adopt them so it was one of our fastest adoptions ever. In Angeliki's experienced hands the kittens got stronger, grew up, started eating on their own and have brought the house up and down with their energy. The little girl who was named Popi will soon travel to Athens where a new sister is waiting for her. Thank you so much Angeliki for all your support and efforts.
Foster homes are a great help both for us, as it opens up space for another animal in need, and for the animal itself, as it learns to live and behave in a home environment, so it is properly prepared when adopted. If you cannot adopt a cat, consider fostering a cat so you can be part of its life's journey.
Here are two short videos of them:
When they were found:
When they started to eat by themselves:
Rosa, a kitten who lost her eye
A young lady contacted us to ask our help for a kitten who lived in her neighborhood in the village of Kamari of Amorgos. It seemed the little cat's eye had developed a serious problem, apparently from some accident the animal must have had.
We advised her to bring the kitten to us as soon as possible so that we could send her to our vets in Naxos. The next day, the kitten who in the meantime we named Rosa, traveled to the nearby island of Naxos where our vets examined her.
Unfortunately, her left eye was completely destroyed and was causing her terrible pain, so the only solution was the surgical removal of the eye, which took place on that very same day. Two days later, Rosa was returned to our Center where she will remain for the next 2 weeks to complete her treatment.
Ideally, we would like to find a home for her instead of sending her back to the streets, but adoptions have not been easy this past year, so we don't have much hope. In case you want to adopt a kitten, Rosa is a very sweet, affectionate and playful little creature who is in a real need of a home. For now, we are asking for your help to cover the cost of the surgery.
Please help by donating here:
Thank you!
Here are two short videos of Rosa before and after the surgery:
Before the surgery:
And after the surgery:
Jordan is adopted!
Jordan, our handsome, special boy was adopted by a very nice family in Athens. Two years ago, the same family had adopted another three-legged female kitten named Nala. But Nala was home alone for many hours because the members of the family had to go to work or to school, so they decided to adopt a second cat for Nala to have as company.
Litsa, our program coordinator, happened to know the family's cousin who saw our Facebook post through which we were looking for a family for Jordan, and she informed the family. Jordan seemed to be the perfect match for Nala. Jordan is missing his left hind leg while Nala is missing her right foreleg. Both are black and white, while Jordan is a boy and Nala is a girl.
The decision from the family came right away and it was positive. The references for the family were excellent and their cousin happened to be in Amorgos at the time so she could take Jordan back to Athens with her immediately. Εverything fit together so perfectly and Jordan became part of a beautiful family.
The first few days, Nala was a bit wary of him, but within a week they became best friends and were already sleeping together. Now they are inseparable and have turned the house into a big playground. Their mom is looking for a place to decorate the Christmas tree, as it might soon be taken down, and she is seriously considering hanging it from the ceiling.
Here is Jordan’s original story:
And here you can watch a short video of Jordan with his new sister Nala at their home in Athens:
Have a nice life, sweet Jordan!
Fall Sterilization Program 2022
Another sterilization program was completed with great success! Over a period of 10 days, a total of 213 stray cats (129 female and 84 male) were spayed/neutered from all over Amorgos, as well as 1 male dog. Additionally, surgeries were performed to remove cancer from the ears of two cats, as well as two surgeries for hernia repair, and, sadly, two euthanasias were performed for two very sick cats with late-stage cancer.
All animals were also vaccinated against rabies (except for those who were too sick), received anti-parasitic treatment, and were marked electronically (microchip). This program was made in collaboration with the Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International.
We would first like to thank our amazing veterinarian Dr. Andrianna Alexandropoulou, for her unwavering support and assistance (and for the fact that she worked intensely to meet the needs of our community).
Also we offer sincere thanks to the Municipality of Amorgos for the continuous support and perfect cooperation, the local veterinarian Dr. Dimitris Simos for his cooperation, and for transporting and catching cats of Chora, our Chariklia Psaki who worked eagerly as a veterinarian assistant. We wish to thank our amazing volunteers Giorgos, Angeliki, Anna, Melina, Marianna, Kaliroi, Lamia, Lilie, Wentoula, Fani, Alexandros, Giannis and Rania who "plowed the island" and went up and down many stairs in order to collect and release cats as well as to assist in the clinic, and of course all the inhabitants of the island who helped each in his or her own way.
We would like to say that the participation of the residents in this program was wonderful and to apologize to those who were unable to be included in the program as literally it was raining cats. Thank you all!
This sterilization program is crucial for both the cats and the residents of the island. Without this effort, the population of cats would explode to unsustainable levels. Cats reach the age of reproduction very quickly at 6 months and can have two or three litters a year. When there is an explosion in the cat population, it is difficult to feed and care for them all, and they soon become parasitic and sick, suffering from malnutrition and common infections, and increasing dissatisfaction within the community. When the cat population is under control, we are able to give them proper food and treatments for parasites, so that their overall health improves which reduces their risk of being considered a nuisance pest. Suffering is reduced and harmony is achieved.
If you agree, please continue to support our efforts to improve the lives of the cats of Amorgos. Make a donation to AZI today. Thank you!
Sterilization Program for Stray Cats
Friday, October 21 through Wednesday, November 2, 2022
The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International will carry out a sterilization program for stray cats.
We ask those who take care of stray cats in their area and those who are interested in participating to contact us promptly at telephone: 22850 71716 & 6974990045.
According to Law 4940/2022, article 52, sterilization of dogs and cats is mandatory except for the animals whose genetic sample of material (DNA) has been sent to the genetic storage and analysis laboratory pet material of article 13.
The participation of volunteers, mainly in catching and transporting animals, will significantly help us help more animals.
Rescue of a common cuckoo
A few weeks ago, we received a call from Kato M. regarding an injured cuckoo (Cuculus canorus canorus) which was taken from the claws of a cat.
The next day the bird was brought to our Center. As it was the first time we received an injured cuckoo we immediately contacted our partners from Alkioni Aegean Wildlife Hospital in Paros to ask for guidance.
Unfortunately, cat bites can often be fatal for birds as they carry germs that are difficult for birds to fight off. So we started immediately taking care of the wound in his neck in fear that he might not make it. But he turned out to be a fighter and did great.
He was only missing a few feathers from one wing which will grow back in time. But these birds don't eat well in captivity so we were eager to release him. We also wanted to see him off before the cold weather starts as at this time of year they are migrating south.
So an attempt was made a few days later … and the attempt was a success! The cuckoo flew off, once again proving that he is a fighter!!
Marios Fournaris from Alkioni Aegean Wildlife Hospital, we thank you so much for your invaluable advice, for always being available when we need you, and for having the patience to pass on your knowledge to us. The Alkioni Aegean Wildlife Hospital does amazing work with the wild birds in Greece.
Meet Ruby, our special kitten
Ruby is just a small kitten but his life has already been full of difficulty and hardship. Somehow he got trapped in the engine of a car and somehow he was lucky enough not to get minced. But he did sustain terrible burns and serious injuries: his front leg was broken, his right ear was completely torn up, and parts of his fur were severely burned.
When he arrived at our Center, his leg had already set crookedly, his damaged ear was barely there, and his wounds were still open and at risk of serious infection.
Yet despite this, his sweet personality came through. After a month or more under our care, his skin and ear have healed and he is doing much better. Unfortunately his leg will forever be bent but it doesn't slow him down. He is eating well and gaining weight and also incredibly cuddly and sweet and plays a lot. Now he is ready to be adopted and we are looking for that special person to fall in love with our special kitten.
Do you have a spot in your home for our little survivor? Or if not, can you help support his medical treatments? Every little bit helps because with each rescue like Ruby’s we incur high fees for all the necessary veterinary treatments. Of course, we do it without complaint to give these deserving animals a second chance at a happy life but we can’t do it alone—we need your help.
Please donate here—Thank you!!
A Benefit for Animal Zone International
Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo and Luca Giordano, Fruit, Flowers, a Ceramic Dish and a Vase on a Stone Ledge Beneath a Grape Arbor, with Two Women Gathering the Bounty. Oil on canvas, 46 ¼ x 66 ⅝ inches
Join us for a benefit for Animal Zone International
A Wine for the Worst Kind of Thieves
Wine Tastings
and Medieval Readings with celebrated Wine Historian and Sommelier Jeremy Parzen
Thursday, Oct 13, 2022 at 6:30 PM
Robert Simon Fine Art
22 East 80th Street • Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10075
Tickets: $150
Taste three wines as Jeremy shares three colorful readings from Italy’s oldest book on wine and Boccaccio’s Decameron. The event includes a guided tasting of three native Italian grape varieties (Garganega, Schiava, and Nebbiolo) that were popular during Boccaccio's time and are still widely enjoyed today.
Additionally, enjoy a special preview of the exhibition: “Beyond Boundaries: Historical Art By and Of People of Color”
All proceeds from the event will be donated to Animal Zone International, a Greek-based non-profit devoted to the sustainability of the environment through the protection and control of animals.
Cuba's story
They met in July—he was a stray in Arkesini and she on holiday in Amorgos. This total sweetheart of a cat wanted nothing but affection and it was love at first sight. Unfortunately, she already had four cats at home and could not adopt a fifth. So it was with a heavy heart that she had to leave him behind.
However she did not forget him and was determined to get him off the streets. That was when our phone rang. "If I manage to find a foster home for him will you be able to pick him up and send him to me?" Of course we would!
One doesn’t deprive an animal such a golden opportunity, especially when he is living a dangerous life on the street and is so personable and friendly. And so—great news!! —a foster was found with the possiblity of adoption.
And then it was our turn. Ship transportation was arranged with the most reliable assistance of Eva K. and Pepi G.—our tireless volunteers (as always, we thank you!).
Then our program coordinator Litsa went to Arkesini to pick him up. We had a small hurdle when she looked all over for him but couldn’t find him. Disappointed, she turned to leave, and right then, he appeared, meowing a little hello to her.
That was when we learned a little more about his life: he had been fed and cared for by a teacher who left. We also learned that his name was Cuba. But the fact remained that he had no home so Litsa put him in a transporting cage and brought him back to our Center.
Τhe next day we said our goodbyes at the port. Natassa was waiting for him in Piraeus at 5am. We thank Natassa, his guardian angel, for investing so much time, effort, and money into this little fellow (she took him to the vet for neutering, a microchip, and tests). People like Natassa make our world a better place.
Today Cuba is going to his foster home and who knows, maybe this will become his permanent home.
Have a good life sweet Cuba—live happily for many, many years!!
Meet Roumi, our new rescued puppy
August 2022—Meet Roumi, a sweet young female puppy. Originally Roumi was adopted and brought to Amorgos but that owner was extremely neglectful, irresponsible and clearly unable to properly care for her. She was often alone on the streets, tied to signposts next to main roads all night, or left under the sun on the beach without any protection etc.
We received many calls from concerned citizens regarding for her well being, sometimes in the very early morning, about 4am or 5am. Finally she was taken in by a nice girl who refused to give her back to her owner, knowing how poorly he cared for Roumi.
She made a complaint to the police and asked us for help, which we gave with great pleasure by taking the puppy under our care. Now Roumi is with us and we are looking for a caring family who will treat her with the love and respect that she deserves.
Welcome Roumi!
Progress Report 2022
Our coordinator Litsa put together the slide show below, showcasing some of our more difficult cases so far this year.
WARNING: some of the images are graphic and therefore may be upsetting to some people.
As you can clearly see, these animals need our help! Some are suffering needlessly. For us to continue to do the work we do, we need your help! Won’t you make a donation today?
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Jordan, a three-legged kitten
JULY 2023—Little Jordan, only three months old and weighing just over 3 lbs (1.5 kilo), was hit by a car, and sadly one of his legs was completely dislocated. Since he lives on Amorgos and there is no surgeon here for emergency care, there was no possibility of saving the leg, and unfortunately, it had to be amputated. He was sent to the vet on Naxos and then returned to Amorgos in our care. We’re happy to report that he is doing well, getting used to walking on three legs, and has the sweetest meow!
Soon he will be healthy again and we will look for the best home for him. But in the meantime, we are asking for your help to cover the cost of the surgery. Please help by donating here: Thank you!
Team Animal Action
On June 9 and 10, 2022, a total of 33 equines — 23 donkeys, 6 mules, and 4 horses — were seen and cared for by the Animal Action team, which included a veterinarian, a farrier, and a dental technician. They visited the areas of Chora, Katapola, Langada, Tholaria, and Potamos on Amorgos.
For the first time, owners were able to microchip their animals, required in accordance to ministerial decision number 311/62043/2021 which requires all equidae to be microchipped. Additionally, the team once again reminded all owners that the custom of keeping the animal’s legs tied together was inhumane and illegal. (As we’ve reported many times, this practice is severe and can permanently damage the legs.) Better, more humane ways to tie a horse, mule, or donkey, such as using a halter and collar, were discussed as alternative options.
The day before Animal Action's team arrived, we received at our shelter, after an order from the police, an abused, underweight donkey whose leg had a very bad wound due to being bound by a rope. The team took care of him and gave us useful tips and instructions for continuing his treatment.
The team also helped one phobic female donkey who has changed owners three times due to being unmanageable. She was also living with her tied legs. The team took care of her teeth and hooves, and after some useful advice, the owner felt confident enough to remove the rope from her feet. So the donkey lives now with free legs.
This program is vital, and the residents of Amorgos have embraced it and they eagerly await the annual visit of the incredible Animal Action team. For these reasons we want to warmly thank Animal Action for sending us again their amazing team: Kostas, the veterinarian specializing in equines, the farrier Tasos, the equine dentist Alkis and Evridiki. We thank also Hotel Minoa for offering their beautiful rooms for the visiting team at affordable rates. A big round of thanks also goes to the owners of the animals who participated this year and of course our wonderful volunteers who help us each and every time.
If you’d like to help us maintain this important and necessary program, please consider donating here.
Saving Napoleon
Although the practice of tying up an animal’s legs is now prohibited by law in Greece, in much of the Cyclades people still use this method as a means of restraint. And while everyone knows this is illegal, most times it is quietly tolerated by locals. It takes tourists visiting the island who, appalled by what they see, take action and call the police.
This happened a few days ago in Amorgos on the beach of Aegiali. Some tourists were surprised to see a badly limping donkey there. Two of its legs were tied together and the rope had cut a deep wound into one of its legs, which was covered with flies. The poor donkey was clearly in pain and walked with difficulty. The tourists immediately sought help by calling the police and reporting the abuse.
The police officers soon arrived with a representative from the Municipality. After fruitless attempts to find the owner (fines for such cases ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 euro), they handed the donkey over to the Municipality of Amorgos, who then brought it to AZI’s shelter the next morning.
The donkey is an old boy, approximately 30+ years old, malnourished, and has great trouble walking due to the many years of having his legs bound together. We decided to call him Napoleon.
Napoleon is hesitant and fearful of people. On the day he arrived, local veterinarian Dimitris Simos cleaned the wound on his leg. In one way Napoleon was very lucky because on the day after, the equine team from Animal Action were coming to Amorgos for their annual spring visit. Through this amazing program, Napoleon received comprehensive healthcare that included a dental exam, an overall physical, and care for his hooves.
Three days later, another veterinarian, this time from Naxos, examined him by request of the police (required in cases of animal abuse). Each of the veterinarians determined that Napoleon was not fed enough and developed mobility problems due to the practice of tying his legs together for long periods of time, so much so that even after the rope was removed, he continued to walk stiffly (see video).
We hope in time Napoleon will recover from this abuse and learn to trust humans. It is a terrible shame that after so much publicity and education regarding this outdated practice, it still continues. Our work isn’t complete until the day this abuse is eradicated from the island. If you can help us with this cause, please donate here. Thank you!
The cats of the monastery of Chozoviotissa
Recently, a kind-hearted tourist named Martina called us, concerned about a cat living at the monastery of Chozoviotissa. We reached out to the people who live and work at the monastery and discovered that the cat colony there badly needed treatment against internal and external parasites. Using funds from previous donations, we had already purchased ampoules and pills for treatments against cat parasites. So an appointment with the monastery was made immediately.
On Tuesday, May 24, very early in the morning (in order to be there when the monks feed the cats), our program coordinator Litsa together with our wonderful volunteers Ute and Edouard visited the monastery of Chozoviotissa, loaded ampoules and deworming pills.
Christos, who takes care of the cats, was waiting for us with 14 of the 16 cats who reside at the monastery. All were treated for internal and external parasites except for the 2 who were absent that morning. (We left Christos with the ampules and pills for them.) One of the cats was suffering from a respiratory disease so she also received a 10day antibiotic that will help her to recover. Advice was also given regarding proper nutrition which will help to keep them healthy.
We thank all the people of the monastery and especially Christos who lovingly cares for the cats that live there.
We are also grateful to our supporters because it’s thanks to them we were able to buy the necessary treatments and proceed with this action promptly.
Thank you EDKE!
As part of the Crossing 2022 organized by Symplefsi (+ plefsi) targeting nine small and remote Greek islands, the Voluntary Action of Veterinarians of Greece (EDKE) came to Amorgos. The team of EDKE consisted of two veterinarians, Mr. Ioannis Batsas and Mr. Elias Kaldis, who gave the stray animals of Amorgos free medical care.
A total of 20 stray cats were neutered, dewormed, vaccinated and microchipped. Also masses were surgically removed from a cat and a dog, an awn was removed from a donkey's eye, and a donkey with a chronic problem with her knees received treatment. Additionally a few more stray animals were examined and vaccinated.
We warmly thank Εθελοντική Δράση Κτηνιάτρων Ελλάδος (Ε.Δ.Κ.Ε.) and Symplefsi for the care and support they offer to humans and animals alike. May you all be well to continue the wonderful work you are doing. Until we meet again!!!