News — Animal Zone International

NEW!—Click here to report unneutered cats on Amorgos in 3 easy steps.

Jack is Adopted!

Jack, a senior at 14 years old, came into our hands 3 years ago under a public prosecutor's order after being seized from his owner. Over the years there was no interest in adopting Jack, and we were afraid that he would die in a shelter without ever feeling the warmth of a family.

And then his angels appeared! Two AMAZING people who decided to offer this amazing dog the loving home he so desperately needs in the golden years of his life.

After spending a few days at with them in Amorgos, the big day of travel arrived. Jack left Amorgos to go to Piraeus, then went from Piraeus to Igoumenitsa, and from Igoumenitsa to Italy. And finally — home!!!

Jack is now in his country of origin as he is a purebred Italian Segugio and is officially an Italian citizen!!

Have a wonderful new, long, happy, cozy life sweet Jack!! We sincerely thank those who supported, loved, and tried hard to offer Jack a better life!


R.I.P. Singi

Our hearts broke yesterday when we had to say goodbye to the purest soul to grace this world.

Singi grew up at our Center since he was four months old. Two years ago he developed an autoimmune disease that created sores on his face. He visited the vet many times, he went through many treatments and fought hard but he left yesterday for the long journey.

Dear Singi, you were a fighter who taught our hearts so much about love and the will to live. You will forever be missed.


AZI Fall Benefit

Deception, Deep Fakes & Magic

A Benefit Evening for Animal Zone International

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 7 PM

Robert Simon Fine Art
22 East 80th Street • Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10075

Tickets: $250
A fully tax-deductible contribution

Join master magician and misdirection expert Mark Mitton for a presentation on the challenges of determining what is real and what is not. Mark will examine the brain science behind our susceptibility to the tricks of the conjurer, both human and AI-generated. Through the evening, Mark will astonish you with dazzling feats of prestidigitation and teach you magic tricks to impress your friends and colleagues.

All proceeds from the event will be donated to Animal Zone International, a Greek-based non-profit devoted to the sustainability of the environment and the protection of animals.

Refreshments will be served.

Mark Mitton, Master Magician

Your tax-deductible donation translates directly into food, care, and medical treatment for countless animals on the Greek island of Amorgos.


Fall sterilization

The Municipality of Amorgos, in collaboration with Animal Zone International, held a 5-day sterilization program for stray cats from October 2-6, 2023. A total of 117 stray cats (56 females and 61 males) from most of the villages of Amorgos were sterilized.

In addition, all animals received vaccines against panleukopenia, calicivirus, feline herpesvirus, and rabies as well as anti-parasitic treatment. Additionally they were all tagged electronically (microchipped).

We have many people to thank for another successful program. First and foremost, would be to our amazing veterinarian Dr. Andrianna Alexandropoulou for her unwavering support and assistance. She worked intensely and tirelessly to meet the needs of our community.

Next, we sincerely thank the shipping company BLUE STAR FERRIES which is always helpful to the needs of our island and offered free transfer on the distinguished seat to our vet.

Also, we offer sincere thanks to the Municipality of Amorgos for the continuous support and perfect cooperation, and our Chariklia Psaki who worked eagerly as a veterinarian assistant. We wish to thank our amazing volunteers Giorgos, Fanny, Angeliki, Julia, Mata, Lamia, Eleftheria, Maria, Lilie, Fanny, Alexandros, Georgia, and Sofia who “plowed the island” and went up and down many stairs in order to collect and release cats as well as to assist in the clinic, and of course all the inhabitants of the island who helped each in their own way.

We have renewed our appointment for February for one more sterilization program.

Our spay and neuter programs are vitally important for both the cats and the islanders. Without this effort, the cat population will explode to unsustainable levels. Cats reach breeding age very quickly—at just 6 months they can have two or three litters a year. When there is an explosion in the cat population, it is difficult to feed and care for them all and they soon become parasitic and diseased, suffering from malnutrition and common infections thus increasing discontent in the community. When the cat population is under control, we can provide them with appropriate food and anti-parasitic treatments so that their overall health improves, which reduces the risk of them being considered a nuisance pest. Suffering is reduced and harmony is achieved—a win-win for all.

If you’d like to help, please consider supporting our efforts with a donation. We appreciate your help, no matter how small:


Feeders for stray cats

A longtime dream comes true. The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International have placed on a trial basis and at specific points feeders for the stray cats. The feeders were placed on spots where colonies of stray cats already existed and were being fed by volunteers. The purpose of placing the feeders is the existence of constantly available food for the stray cats of these areas as well as the maintenance of cleanliness since the food will not be put on the ground but in the feeder.

It is estimated that this will limit the prevalence of animals that are malnourished, cachectic, and therefore, more vulnerable to disease. It will also reduce the need for stray cats to forage from other sources (such as garbage bins), which in turn creates other problems. Finally, with the intensive program of sterilization for the stray cats that are fed in those specific areas, it is sought not to increase their number further.

The feeders were built with passion and love by Philippe Simermann and painted by the talented Kalliopi-Irini Zogopoulou (Kali). Both volunteered their time and talent and we are sincerely grateful for their generosity. The services of the Municipality of Amorgos will monitor the situation in the areas where the feeders were placed with the prospect of continuing this practice in other parts of the Municipality.

We ask residents who feed stray cats where there are feeders to put the food (dry food) in the feeder and not on the ground. We hope everyone is pleased (including the cats) with this smart improvement!


Autumn Sterilization program


The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International will carry out a sterilization program for stray cats.

We ask those who take care of stray cats in their area and those who are interested in participating to contact us promptly at telephone: 22850 71716 & 6974990045.

According to Law 4940/2022, article 52, sterilization of dogs and cats is mandatory except for the animals whose genetic sample of material (DNA) has been sent to the genetic storage and analysis laboratory pet material of article 13.

The participation of volunteers, mainly in catching and transporting animals, will significantly help us help more animals. Thank you!


An August kitten

A tiny creature came recently into our hands. He was found crying alone for several hours on the path to Kastri. He is growing in the experienced hands of Angeliki and once he gets a little older he will be available for adoption. Stay tuned!


It's raining Mediterranean shearwater (Puffinus Yelkouan)

Recently, in the area of Aegiali, it has literally been raining birds of the species Mediterranean shearwater (Puffinus Yelkouan). The birds for some strange reason sit on the ground and are unable to fly, although they are neither injured nor sick.

Let us know if you see any of these birds walking on the ground. Two of the birds in the photos are still being taken care of by us. We’ll keep them until they are stronger and can fly freely back to the sky.


Lucky is adopted!

Lucky, the kitten with the special ears, was adopted and yesterday he moved to his new family.

Adopting a kitten was the constant request of our little friend to her parents for two years. After much thought her parents gave her the green light to adopt a kitten from the animal shelter.

Her little face was shining with joy both when she chose him and also she finally took him in her arms. We are sure they will become the best of friends!!


Another baby monk seal in need

On Thursday, the 10th of August, we were called to assist the Port police of Amorgos in rescuing a newborn monk seal (monachus-monachus). The baby seal was found by tourists on the remote beach of Agious Saranta in Lefkes. After several hours of monitoring as per the protocol followed in such cases in the hope that she would be reunited with her mom, this was not to be.

Always in collaboration with MOM (an organization for the study and rescue of the Mediterranean seal), it was decided that we had to intervene by removing the animal and sending it to MOM's facilities in Athens, where she would receive proper care from the experienced hands of the people of MOM. Due to bad weather conditions, we could not reach the beach by boat so the only solution was to walk to and from the beach from the path, not an easy matter when carrying a baby monk seal, so we asked the help of the local rescue team EDOK Amorgou which responded immediately.

The baby was transferred to our Center where our vet in collaboration with MOM’s vet gave her first aid. The same afternoon, the baby was boarded on the ship to Piraeus, but sadly, the woman who was monitoring her informed us 4 hours later that the baby had died. Unfortunately, she lost her mom at a very, very early stage and the chances of survival were very slim. She was underweight, dehydrated, lethargic, and with improper breathing so it was difficult from the first moment.

We want to warmly thank MOM for all its support, guidance and cooperation and for the fact that they are the guardian angels of the Mediterranean seal in Greece—they do an incredible job. We also want to thank the tourists who spotted her and called the port police. The port police officers, who responded immediately, went up and down to the remote beach twice in order to check on her during the period and did all they needed to do to help her. The local veterinarian Dr. Dimitris Simos who responded immediately and did his job with zeal so as to offer the baby a chance of survival. The rescue team EDOK Amorgou who responded immediately to our request for assistance. Vaggelis Paravas who has been the head of MOM’s team for years and has the experience for such cases and, although he was on vacation on our island, he left it all back and came to help. Christina Katsarou who escorted the baby on the boat and was willing to offer what was needed to make the trip more comfortable for her. The crew of Blue Star Naxos who always offer their help and do their best. Chariklia Psaki and Georgios Zafiriou, who offered their time and hands and we left for last, Asimakis Pagidas because he deserves a BIG THANK YOU as he is the one who ran the whole project and he did it perfectly.

A very large chain was formed to save a rare baby and though it may not have succeeded we saw once again that there are still HUMANS and there are enough of them who care. But we also saw what survival difficulties these creatures face and why they have come to be considered an endangered species and how important it is to protect it and its habitat.

The Mediterranean monk seal Monachus-monachus is the rarest seal on Earth. With an estimated population of less than 600 in the world, it is one of the rarest and most endangered animal species on the planet and is characterized as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. About half of the population, around 250-300 seals, live in Greece. The fact that the largest population of these endangered seals lives and reproduces in Greece makes our responsibility for their conservation and protection against the dangers they face something that we take very seriously.


Marios' broken jaw

His name is Marios for a very good reason! Marios got hit by a car and he is still alive thanks to the sensitivity and persistence of a woman from the neighborhood where he lived. Marios comes from Xylokeratidi, an otherwise safe area for cats.

Being hit by a car has cost him a badly broken jaw, but the dangerous thing was that after the accident he was so scared, that he was hiding from people so that he could not be caught to get help from the vet. Due to the fracture, he was not able to eat.

Angela made a lot of effort to find and catch him for many days without a result. When a week had passed since the accident, she decided that on that day he must be caught or otherwise he would not survive. So she asked for help, which was given to her!

The local vet Dimitris went on the spot where the cat had been hiding from the previous day and as soon as the cat felt safe, he went straight to him. The next day, Marios traveled to Naxos where he had surgery.

Marios is now back at our Center where he will remain for at least a month. He eats with appetite, he gained weight and he is more relaxed and happy!

Another soul was saved because a human being cared for him!

Thank you Angela!

Please, don't ignore an animal that looks like it's in trouble—ask for help. Every creature's life is precious.

Here are two short videos of him:


An amazing volunteer from Canada

Her name is Janel, and what an amazing volunteer!

Although she is only 18 years old, she decided to make the very long trip from Canada to Amorgos to offer voluntary help to the animals of our island. This in itself makes her special.

She came to Amorgos and volunteered for two weeks. She cleaned cages, weeded gardens and enclosures, walked dogs, took care of kittens, brushed donkeys, gave her attention and love to sick cats as if she were an already experienced volunteer. Always punctual and always responsible, whatever she was doing. A smiling, sweet, young woman with an eagerness to give.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Janel, for what you have given us and the animals of Amorgos. We will be very happy to see you again. AZI’s family will always be here for you. We wish you a happy life and may all your dreams come true.

Here you can find more information about our Student Volunteering program with which you too can come to Amorgos and help the animals of the island:

Hope to see you soon!


Animal Action in Amorgos

On June 17th and 18th, 2023, the equine care team of Animal Action Greece visited Amorgos, just like every year for the past ten years, to provide veterinary, dental, and farriery care to the island's equines. The veterinarian Kostas, the equine dental technician Alkis and the farrier Tasos offered their services to 33 equines (23 donkeys, 6 mules, and 4 horses) that are used for various agricultural and transport tasks.

Almost all of the equines needed their teeth fixed and quite a few also needed hoof care. Advice was also given on their proper diet as well as appropriate ways to keep them from running away without the use of pastoura (the traditional practice of tying the legs together).

During their stay, the team visited our shelter where they offered their services to our old folks—the 5 donkeys and 1 mule that we host here. The team had to work in the rain to get all the animals done.

Special thanks to Seajets and Blue Star Ferries for their support in helping our project by offering free return ferry tickets on the former and 50% off on the latter for the group members, Anna Studios and Galini pension for the free hosting of the group, Thomas Rent-a-Car for providing a car for the group's transportation, the "Kamari" restaurant in Katapola and the "Kostaras" restaurant in Aegiali for covering part of the team's meals.

A very big thank you to Deputy Mayor Popi Despotidi who, from the Municipality's side, was the one who sought the sponsorships and who is always willing to help. The Municipality of Amorgos contributed also to the group's transportation. For our part, we undertook the organization of the action and covered part of the group's meals.

It's through cooperation and understanding that we can achieve a lot.

We should also note that the owners of the animals were very hospitable, waited patiently, showed great thanks for the services of the team, offered bottles of roasted raki, and asked us to repeat the action which they embraced from the first moment and for this, they deserve a big thank you!

And to all our wonderful supporters out there, thank you all for your donations over the years. Please continue to support our efforts and goals by making a tax-deductible contribution here. We need you now more than ever!


Animal Action GREECE

Animal Action’s Equine Care Team visits Amorgos for 10th time!

In collaboration with the Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International, the Equine Care Team of Animal Action GREECE will visit our island this year once more, to offer its services to the working animals (donkeys, horses, mules) of the island's residents for two days, Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June 2023.

Anyone with donkeys, mules, or horses in need of care can contact Animal Zone International at 22850-71716 and 6974990045 or simply bring their animal to the designated points.

ANIMAL ACTION GREECE's equine veterinarian, farrier and equine dental technician will examine the animals and care for the hooves and teeth FREE OF CHARGE.


Saturday, JUNE 17


Time 10:00 Up Parking of Langada

Time 13:00 Tholaria Parking area

Time: 15:00 Potamos Parking area (Chontrolia)


Time: 17:00 Chora Parking area (towards the Health Center)

Sunday, JUNE 18


Time: 09:00 Agrokipio (Near Exarchopoulos)

The Animal Action team will be able to microchip the working equines of anyone interested.

Suggested token minimum donation: For 1 animal: €20 • For 2 animals: €15 / animal • For ≥ 3 animals: €10 / animal

Note: Based on Ministerial Decision No. 311/62043/2021 it is now mandatory for all equidae to be electronically marked


A Class Visit

On Wednesday, June 31, 2023, we had the great pleasure of welcoming the children of the kindergarten of Katapola to our Center. The children had the opportunity to see up close the animals we care for. They went crazy with our youngest guests, Luke and Leia, the two orphaned kittens who are 1-month-old. The children helped Litsa to bottle feed them and they couldn't stop petting them.

After the Center, it was the equine shelter’s turn, where the children treated our donkeys and mule with carrots. They also met our two dogs, Voris and Jack, and they learned how to approach a dog safely.

It was a great and happy day and we would like to thank the kindergarten teacher Maria Krithioti from the bottom of our hearts for this initiative, as well as the parents who accompanied the group: Sofia, Mina and Vivy. It is very important that children are taught from a young age to look after, care for, and respect animals.

We are grateful for this sweet gift of the community.


Porthos is adopted!

In the summer of 2021, four tiny orphaned kittens came to our care: 3 boys and 1 girl, the Three Musketeers and princess Avgi. Not even one week old, with their eyes closed, they could fit in our palms.

Α "human" took them from their mom and threw them in the street like they were rubbish. It took us an entire month of intensive care (and loss of sleep!) until they began to eat on their own. Almost four months later two of them, Athos and Avgi, traveled to their new family in Holland. They had been adopted by the best family who had already adopted another Amorgian kitten, Siouti.

But Ute’s heart was left behind in Amorgos, with the third kitten, named Porthos who had stayed back. She tried to convince her husband Edouard to adopt him too. Porthos was an animal that really needed a home— life as a stray on the streets was not for him and Ute knew that. After nagging Edouard day and night about it she finally managed to convince him. So on her last trip to Amorgos in May she finally got the OK to bring Porthos back to their home in Holland and to reunite him with his brother and sister. The wandering life of an outdoor cat came to an end for Porthos and we were very happy about it.

Ute and Edouard thank you from the bottom of our hearts for once again opening your home and your hearts to creatures in need. Thank you for what you have offered us and the animals of Amorgos. Have a happy and great life together!

Here is a small video of Porthos at his new home!


Update on Achilleas

It was January 2020 when Achilleas left Amorgos, where he was born, and went to his new home in Switzerland. His new mum Pascal and Achilleas had become very good friends during Pascal’s stay at AZI’s Center when she came to do some volunteer work.

Pascal went back to Switzerland in September 2019 but her mind always returned to her friend Achilleas so she decided to adopt him. Our veterinarian and friend Anna traveled with him to Switzerland in January 2020. Since then Achilleas lives a happy and relaxing life forever. Yesterday we received an update on him from Pascal and we wanted to share it with you.

Pascal says: “Look how my cat grew. I put him on a diet a while ago, he is like a classic Greek cat, just eating and lying in the sun.” We’re grateful for the safe and loving home he now has with Pascal.

Here is a small video of him:


Thank you Pension Ilias!

We sincerely thank Pension Ilias for the generous donation of towels for the animals we care for. Donations like this help our work a lot and on the other hand the towels are not thrown in the trash.

Pension Ilias is centrally located in scenic Amorgos Town. It consists of 2 buildings and features air-conditioned accommodation with balconies overlooking the town or the mountains.

The famous Monastery of Hozoviotissa is 1.5 km away. Agia Anna Beach is at 3 km. Katapola Port is within 5 km. For more information:
