Community — News — Animal Zone International

NEW!—Click here to report unneutered cats on Amorgos in 3 easy steps.


Voutsi's new cat feeder

The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International have worked together to place another cat feeder at Vroutsi. The feeder is installed in spot where there is a large colony of stray cats being fed leftovers by the locals. Our objective for placing the feeder in that spot is to offer nutritionally proper food for the cats as well as to maintain cleanliness in the area by providing food in the feeder and not on the ground.

Additionally it is hoped that this will minimize the prevalence of animals that are malnourished, cachectic, and therefore, more vulnerable to disease. It will also reduce the need for stray cats to forage from other sources (such as garbage bins or restaurants), which in turn creates other problems. With the intensive program of sterilization for the stray cats in these specific areas, the goal is to keep the cat population from growing out of control.

We ask residents who feed the stray cats to place dry cat food in the new feeders and not on the ground. We hope everyone is pleased (including the cats) with this smart improvement!


Winter sterilization program completed

The Municipality of Amorgos, in collaboration with Animal Zone International, held a 14-day sterilization program for stray cats. A total of 164 stray cats (80 females and 84 males) from most of the villages of Amorgos were sterilized.

In addition, all animals received vaccines against panleukopenia, calicivirus, feline herpesvirus, and rabies as well as anti-parasitic treatment. Additionally they were tagged electronically (microchipped).

We have many people to thank for another successful program. First and foremost, would be to our amazing veterinarian Dr. Andrianna Alexandropoulou for her unwavering support and assistance. She worked intensely and tirelessly to meet the needs of our community.

Next, we sincerely thank the shipping company BLUE STAR FERRIES which is always helpful to the needs of our island and offered free transfer on the distinguished seat to our vet.

Also, we offer sincere thanks to the Municipality of Amorgos for the continuous support and perfect cooperation, and our Chariklia Psaki who worked eagerly as a veterinarian assistant.

We wish to thank our amazing volunteers who “plowed the island” and went up and down many stairs in order to collect and release cats and of course all the inhabitants of the island who participated and helped each in their own way.

Our spay and neuter programs are vitally important for both the cats and the islanders. Without this effort, the cat population will explode to unsustainable levels. Cats reach breeding age very quickly—at just 5 or 6 months they can have two or three litters a year. When there is an explosion in the cat population, it is difficult to feed and care for them all and they soon become parasitic and diseased, suffering from malnutrition and common infections thus increasing discontent in the community. When the cat population is under control, we can provide them with appropriate food and anti-parasitic treatments so that their overall health improves, which reduces the risk of them being considered a nuisance pest. Suffering is reduced and harmony is achieved—a win-win for all.

If you’d like to help, please consider supporting our efforts with a donation. We appreciate your help, no matter how small:


Fall sterilization

The Municipality of Amorgos, in collaboration with Animal Zone International, held a 5-day sterilization program for stray cats from October 2-6, 2023. A total of 117 stray cats (56 females and 61 males) from most of the villages of Amorgos were sterilized.

In addition, all animals received vaccines against panleukopenia, calicivirus, feline herpesvirus, and rabies as well as anti-parasitic treatment. Additionally they were all tagged electronically (microchipped).

We have many people to thank for another successful program. First and foremost, would be to our amazing veterinarian Dr. Andrianna Alexandropoulou for her unwavering support and assistance. She worked intensely and tirelessly to meet the needs of our community.

Next, we sincerely thank the shipping company BLUE STAR FERRIES which is always helpful to the needs of our island and offered free transfer on the distinguished seat to our vet.

Also, we offer sincere thanks to the Municipality of Amorgos for the continuous support and perfect cooperation, and our Chariklia Psaki who worked eagerly as a veterinarian assistant. We wish to thank our amazing volunteers Giorgos, Fanny, Angeliki, Julia, Mata, Lamia, Eleftheria, Maria, Lilie, Fanny, Alexandros, Georgia, and Sofia who “plowed the island” and went up and down many stairs in order to collect and release cats as well as to assist in the clinic, and of course all the inhabitants of the island who helped each in their own way.

We have renewed our appointment for February for one more sterilization program.

Our spay and neuter programs are vitally important for both the cats and the islanders. Without this effort, the cat population will explode to unsustainable levels. Cats reach breeding age very quickly—at just 6 months they can have two or three litters a year. When there is an explosion in the cat population, it is difficult to feed and care for them all and they soon become parasitic and diseased, suffering from malnutrition and common infections thus increasing discontent in the community. When the cat population is under control, we can provide them with appropriate food and anti-parasitic treatments so that their overall health improves, which reduces the risk of them being considered a nuisance pest. Suffering is reduced and harmony is achieved—a win-win for all.

If you’d like to help, please consider supporting our efforts with a donation. We appreciate your help, no matter how small:


Feeders for stray cats

A longtime dream comes true. The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International have placed on a trial basis and at specific points feeders for the stray cats. The feeders were placed on spots where colonies of stray cats already existed and were being fed by volunteers. The purpose of placing the feeders is the existence of constantly available food for the stray cats of these areas as well as the maintenance of cleanliness since the food will not be put on the ground but in the feeder.

It is estimated that this will limit the prevalence of animals that are malnourished, cachectic, and therefore, more vulnerable to disease. It will also reduce the need for stray cats to forage from other sources (such as garbage bins), which in turn creates other problems. Finally, with the intensive program of sterilization for the stray cats that are fed in those specific areas, it is sought not to increase their number further.

The feeders were built with passion and love by Philippe Simermann and painted by the talented Kalliopi-Irini Zogopoulou (Kali). Both volunteered their time and talent and we are sincerely grateful for their generosity. The services of the Municipality of Amorgos will monitor the situation in the areas where the feeders were placed with the prospect of continuing this practice in other parts of the Municipality.

We ask residents who feed stray cats where there are feeders to put the food (dry food) in the feeder and not on the ground. We hope everyone is pleased (including the cats) with this smart improvement!


Autumn Sterilization program


The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International will carry out a sterilization program for stray cats.

We ask those who take care of stray cats in their area and those who are interested in participating to contact us promptly at telephone: 22850 71716 & 6974990045.

According to Law 4940/2022, article 52, sterilization of dogs and cats is mandatory except for the animals whose genetic sample of material (DNA) has been sent to the genetic storage and analysis laboratory pet material of article 13.

The participation of volunteers, mainly in catching and transporting animals, will significantly help us help more animals. Thank you!


A Class Visit

On Wednesday, June 31, 2023, we had the great pleasure of welcoming the children of the kindergarten of Katapola to our Center. The children had the opportunity to see up close the animals we care for. They went crazy with our youngest guests, Luke and Leia, the two orphaned kittens who are 1-month-old. The children helped Litsa to bottle feed them and they couldn't stop petting them.

After the Center, it was the equine shelter’s turn, where the children treated our donkeys and mule with carrots. They also met our two dogs, Voris and Jack, and they learned how to approach a dog safely.

It was a great and happy day and we would like to thank the kindergarten teacher Maria Krithioti from the bottom of our hearts for this initiative, as well as the parents who accompanied the group: Sofia, Mina and Vivy. It is very important that children are taught from a young age to look after, care for, and respect animals.

We are grateful for this sweet gift of the community.


Thank you Pension Ilias!

We sincerely thank Pension Ilias for the generous donation of towels for the animals we care for. Donations like this help our work a lot and on the other hand the towels are not thrown in the trash.

Pension Ilias is centrally located in scenic Amorgos Town. It consists of 2 buildings and features air-conditioned accommodation with balconies overlooking the town or the mountains.

The famous Monastery of Hozoviotissa is 1.5 km away. Agia Anna Beach is at 3 km. Katapola Port is within 5 km. For more information:


Fall Sterilization Program 2022

Another sterilization program was completed with great success! Over a period of 10 days, a total of 213 stray cats (129 female and 84 male) were spayed/neutered from all over Amorgos, as well as 1 male dog. Additionally, surgeries were performed to remove cancer from the ears of two cats, as well as two surgeries for hernia repair, and, sadly, two euthanasias were performed for two very sick cats with late-stage cancer.

All animals were also vaccinated against rabies (except for those who were too sick), received anti-parasitic treatment, and were marked electronically (microchip). This program was made in collaboration with the Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International.

We would first like to thank our amazing veterinarian Dr. Andrianna Alexandropoulou, for her unwavering support and assistance (and for the fact that she worked intensely to meet the needs of our community).

Also we offer sincere thanks to the Municipality of Amorgos for the continuous support and perfect cooperation, the local veterinarian Dr. Dimitris Simos for his cooperation, and for transporting and catching cats of Chora, our Chariklia Psaki who worked eagerly as a veterinarian assistant. We wish to thank our amazing volunteers Giorgos, Angeliki, Anna, Melina, Marianna, Kaliroi, Lamia, Lilie, Wentoula, Fani, Alexandros, Giannis and Rania who "plowed the island" and went up and down many stairs in order to collect and release cats as well as to assist in the clinic, and of course all the inhabitants of the island who helped each in his or her own way.

We would like to say that the participation of the residents in this program was wonderful and to apologize to those who were unable to be included in the program as literally it was raining cats. Thank you all!

This sterilization program is crucial for both the cats and the residents of the island. Without this effort, the population of cats would explode to unsustainable levels. Cats reach the age of reproduction very quickly at 6 months and can have two or three litters a year. When there is an explosion in the cat population, it is difficult to feed and care for them all, and they soon become parasitic and sick, suffering from malnutrition and common infections, and increasing dissatisfaction within the community. When the cat population is under control, we are able to give them proper food and treatments for parasites, so that their overall health improves which reduces their risk of being considered a nuisance pest. Suffering is reduced and harmony is achieved.

If you agree, please continue to support our efforts to improve the lives of the cats of Amorgos. Make a donation to AZI today. Thank you!


Supporting Symplefsi & EDKE

Symplefsi (+ plefsi) — a non-profit organization that aims to support and improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the remote islands of Greece announced the realization of the Crossing 2022, which will involve nine small remote and isolated Greek islands from Thursday, May 5 until Sunday, May 15.

A fleet of the 11 inflatable boats will transport more than 90 volunteers to the following islands: Sikinos, Kassos, Tilos, Pserimos, Levitha, Kinaros, Amorgos, Schinoussa, Heraklia, for a total route of over 500 nautical miles. The primary goal of the mission is to offer free specialized medical examinations and related health services.

The Voluntary Action of Veterinarians of Greece (EDKE) are a part of the effort, with its volunteers offering veterinary assistance, care, and sterilization to stray animals on the islands. The aim of the partnership is the overall offer of health in the Greek remote islands.

Animal Zone International cannot but support this action by providing space of our veterinary clinic for the participating veterinarians to perform their work, as well as by offering volunteer help. That is why we call those volunteers who are interested in helping with the catching and transporting of stray cats as well as those residents who care for stray animals that need neutering to contact us at the phones: 22850-71716 (08-00 am to 14:00 pm) and 697499004545.


Autumn sterilization program: Nov 22–26, 2021

Animal Zone International, in cooperation with the Municipality of Amorgos, will be conducting a sterilization program for stray cats from Monday 22 to Friday 26 of November 2021.

The cost of the program will be covered by Animal Zone International and the Municipality of Amorgos.

We are asking anyone who is aware of stray cats in their area to contact us at the following numbers:

Animal Zone International’s office: 22850-71716

AZI's program coordinator: 6974990045

Owners who do not wish their cats to be sterilized are kindly requested to keep their cats indoors on the days when the program is being conducted or to place a collar around their necks so that our volunteers will not catch them.

As a reminder, according to Law 4039/2012, Article 5, Item g: The owner of the dominant pet is obliged to take care of its sterilization if he does not wish to keep the newborn animals or cannot arrange to find them new owners. He is also required to microchip and register the animal as well as to maintain a health booklet, but also to place a metallic tag on the collar of the animal, which is provided annually by the veterinarians showing proof of an annual rabies vaccination.

Support the cause! AZI’s spay/neuter program is key to creating a healthy and balanced cat population on the island. If the cat population is left unchecked, the number of hungry, sick, and infected stray animals overwhelms the area, allowing animal transmitted diseases to run rampant and frustrating local residents, pushing them to take measures into their own hands. Our sterilization program, by controling the animal population, aims to prevent these worst-case scenarios. Please help! No donation is too small. Donate here—thank you!



In August 2020, Heracles came to us at the Center with a broken right front leg. Since he was unable to walk, we decided to hold the bone in place with a small cloth cast and to keep him stationary in a hospital cage.

After twenty-five days, Heracles now runs and jumps and plays and his injury is long forgotten. Soon, Heracles will be released back into the area he comes from and the kind owners of a nearby café have promised to care for him. We wish sweet Heracles a long and happy and carefree life.


Autumn 2019 sterilization program

Our autumn sterilization program took place in November and was a great success. We had hoped to sterilize 100 stray cats but, with the help and dedication of Dr. Andriana Alexandropoulou, we surpassed that goal and sent 121 boys and girls back into the world to live healthy lives without adding to the homeless feline population of our island. 

These cats had come to us from the villages of Amorgos, the areas of Katapola, Kastelopetra, Chora, Skeparnies (Kato Meria) and Aegiali.

All of the cats are in good health and after a recovery period they have all been released back into their native areas. Two kittens, one male and one female, are still with us at our Center due to a few problems that we wanted to clear up before they will be released back into their home areas. 

We want to thank our amazing vet, Dr. Adriana Alexandropoulou, who worked from morning to night with dedication and good spirit and who left us as well with advice for all the sick and wounded cats that we will continue to receive at our center.

 A big vote of thanks goes as well to the Municipality of Amorgos who not only covered the expenses for medical supplies and offered a van and a driver, (Konstantinos Grispos), to transport the cats back and forth from the Aegiali area but also for their continued support. We also thank our amazing volunteers who worked hard in order to collect and transport the cats as well as to assist at the clinic during the surgeries. We thank our donors and especially our president, Paola Mieli, who covered the salary and travel for Dr. Alexandropoulou.

 We thank those who help us to continue this most important work.

Without all of you we would not have made it....


We have renewed our appointment for February!!!

With sorrow

The members of Animal Zone International would like to express their deep sorrow at the death of Sofoklis Prekas, and we offer our sincerest condolences to his family.

Sofoklis Prekas was a great man, kind and generous, and always ready to offer his help to those in need. He was a long-time supporter of AZI and, when we were in need of a site for our clinic, he gave us space in his own building without asking for payment.

Later, as we grew and needed even more space for the storage of food for our rescued animals, he gave us another room without charge.

Sofoklis Prekas was good-natured and always willing to reach out to those around him. So many of our lives have been enriched by this loving man, not least among us his friends in the animal kingdom.

You will be missed dear Sofoklis and we join your family in paying our deepest, deepest respects.



Mao, a blind cat who lived for years in Chora of Amorgos, was rescued by the owners of the Jasmine café-bar and by a young girl named Venia.

A few days ago, Venia found Mao lying in the street in agony after having been poisoned. Venia, with her two friends Christos and Despina, rushed to call us and ask for our help.

Mao was brought immediately to our clinic where extraordinary measures were taken and today, sweet Mao is purring again and asks for affection. This sweet and innocent creature was saved because someone cared, because three friends acted with kindness and generosity.

We give our thanks to Venia, Christos and Despina, and we feel blessed to have been a part of this beautiful moment. Venia will be back in her neighborhood, cared for by the owners of the Jasmine Café and by all those who have been touched by her story.


The Municipality of Amorgos

Animal Zone International is happy to announce that the Municipality of Amorgos has responded to our plea for help in feeding the stray animals of our island.

Our Center is struggling financially due to the overwhelming need of homeless animals and through the generosity of our municipal leaders as well as through the subsidies coming from the European Union, we are able, for the next four months, to feed our strays and to give them the medical care they need.

The municipality of Amorgos has recognized its obligations toward the animals of their island and are helping not only with food but also with medicines and the very important sterilization program that AZI has established.

We offer our gratitude to the Municipality of Amorgos—together we can succeed!!!!


Fall Spay/Neuter Program

Animal Zone International, in cooperation with the Municipality of Amorgos, will be conducting a sterilization program for stray cats on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 of November 2018. The cost of the program will be covered by Animal Zone International and the Municipality of Amorgos.

We are asking anyone who is aware of stray cats in their area to contact us at the following numbers:

Animal Zone International’s office: 22850-71716

AZI's program coordinator: 6974990045

Owners who do not wish their cats to be sterilized are kindly requested to keep them in their home on the two days when the program is being conducted or to place a collar around their necks so that our volunteers will not catch them.

As a reminder, according to Law 4039/2012, Article 5, Item g: The owner of the dominant pet is obliged to take care of its sterilization if he does not wish to keep the newborn animals or can not dispose them to new owners. He is also required to ensure the microchip and the recording of his animal as well as to issue a health booklet, but also to place a metallic badge on the collar of the animal, which is provided annually by the veterinarians during the annual rabies vaccination.

Donate now—click on the yellow bottom at the top of the page. Your donation goes toward many programs that AZI sponsors, including feeding hungry cats, vaccinations, as well as the spay/neuter program. Thank you for your support!

Donate now—click on the yellow bottom at the top of the page. Your donation goes toward many programs that AZI sponsors, including feeding hungry cats, vaccinations, as well as the spay/neuter program. Thank you for your support!


In Memory of Michael Kovaios

Animal Zone International offers sincere condolences to the family of Michael Kovaios upon his death. Michael Kovaios served for many years in the local government as President of the former community of Katapola, as Mayor of Amorgos, as a Municipal Councilor and as a member and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Municipal Port Fund of Naxos.

He was an active person with a strong personality and his contribution to our island was great.
He was always beside us when we needed him, helping us out as he could.

Have a nice journey Michalis; we will always remember you.
Our warmest condolences to his family.

* The family of the Michael Kovaios, instead of wreaths, requests donations made in his memory to the following charities: 

Hope Association
Piraeus Bank: 5017-005517-191
IBAN No.: GR 95 0172 0170 0050 1700 5517 191

Flame Association
Piraeus Bank: 5015-020-641423
IBAN: GR6301720150005015020641423

Michael Kovaios.jpg

Dr. Manolis Vorisis

Animal Zone International and the people of Amorgos and all the islands of the Cyclades are grateful for the magnificent work of Dr. Manolis Vorisis.

Dr. Vorisis has made cats of the Cyclades famous around the world, and his standards for veterinarian surgery and animal care are incomparable. Long ago, Dr. Vorisis went out into the streets of these islands and, witnessing the desperate needs of a multitude of stray animals, decided to devote his life to creating safe and beautiful havens for these fragile creatures.

Beginning on the island of Syros, the capital of the Cyclades, Dr. Vorisis worked to transform dangerous areas where homeless cats gathered into safe and beautiful gardens, his mantra and slogan being, “The ugly shall become beautiful.”

Dr. Vorisis believes that it is important to change the way we humans see and interact with members of the animal kingdom and so he began to organize volunteers who were willing to knock on doors in the neighborhoods to talk about the ways in which it was possible to change the lives of these struggling felines.

Since 2017 Dr. Vorisis has spread his message beyond Syros and now he is the scientific director and advisor at the clinic run by Animal Zone International here on Amorgos.  His advice and support gives us the courage and inspiration to continue our fight to make a better life for the animals with whom we share our island.

During our spring sterilization program, not only did Dr. Vorisis sterilize sixty-three cats in two days, he also helped us clean and revitalize our own garden. He helped to prune our trees and plants to allow more light to enter that area, creating a welcoming, safe and beautiful haven for the cats of Amorgos.

As the good doctor says, “We must create beauty in our world.” We feel Dr. Vorisis is an amazing human being as well as an amazing veterinarian, and we are proud to partner with him in this important work.

Thank you Dr. Vorisis from all of us on the island of Amorgos!

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