New Arrivals — Animal Zone International

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New Arrivals

During a trip to Syros, on an afternoon walk in beautiful Ermoupoli (the capital of Cyclades) we came across three abandoned kittens. Two of them appeared very sick but the third was in better condition. Desperate and not knowing what to do, we called our vet Manolis Vorisis who lives and works in Syros. Manolis sent a volunteer to take the kittens to the clinic where he works.

Sadly, the two sick ones could not be saved. But the third kitten (the tri-color calico), after 2 days of being hospitalized in the clinic, made a full recovery and came back with us to Amorgos. Her name now is Fani.

During the same period another kitten was found abandoned on the streets of Amorgos and was brought to our Center. We named her Frinta. The kittens are exactly the same age so they became immediately friends.

As you can imagine, they have a lot of energy and they do not stop playing. These two adorable kittens are available for adoption—please contact us at if you are interested. They will thrive in a loving home!
