The Danger of Grass Awn — Animal Zone International

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The Danger of Grass Awn

A young cat with a serious eye infection was brought to our Center by her owner after first attempting to treat the problem at home with eye drops. Seeing no improvement, her owner realized that more intervention was needed and it turned out that a grass awn was embedded in the eye.

We managed to remove the awn and after treatment with antibiotic eye drops the cat is once again healthy and happy. Grass awn can be very dangerous for animals since it can embed in the eyes, the ear, the nose and even between the tender pads of the paws.

During spring and summer this is especially dangerous for dogs and cats and, so, if you notice an infection or even an irritation it would be wise to bring your animal to the vet so that the grass awn can be removed. We thank this young cat’s owner for being vigilant and we hope to spread the word about this danger.

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