Animal Action in Amorgos — Animal Zone International

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Animal Action in Amorgos

On June 13 and 14, a total of 54 equines—31 donkeys, 9 mules and 14 horses—were seen and cared for by the Animal Action team in the following areas on Amorgos: Vroutsi,  Kolofana, Langada, Tholaria,  Potamos, Chora and Katapola.

The team also spoke and distributed leaflets for the inhumane and illegal habit of keeping the animals' legs tied together. This practice is severe and can permanently damage the legs. Instead, the team offered advice about a better way to tie a horse, mule or donkey, by using a halter and collar. The residents of Amorgos have embraced the program and they eagerly await the annual visit of the Animal Action team.

During the days of the program one of our lovely donkeys at our equine shelter, Daisy, who was already very old became seriously ill. She could not stand upright so euthanasia was deemed necessary. Daisy was a very social donkey who became the mascot of our shelter. We already miss her a lot.

We want to thank Animal Action for sending their team: Kleopatra Triantafilou, a veterinarian specializing in equines, the farrier Gianni Mprastiano, our volunteers Lea Voegeli and Giorgos Zafiriou who offer us much help, and Panagiotis Psychogios (the Pensione Panos) who hosted the vet. A big round of thank yous also go to the owners of the many animals who participated in the program.
