The miracle of Melenia — Animal Zone International

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The miracle of Melenia

Melenia, a tiny kitten of only 500 grams, came to our Center after having been hit by a car. We immediately began a program of intensive care and slowly Melenia began to show improvement.  We fed her by syringe every three hours, kept her warm and filled with antibiotics and dedicated ourselves to keeping this small girl alive.  

The road to recovery was long and difficult but Melenia is a warrior and learned to walk again, in spite of a weakness in one of her legs and in spite of the fact that she has been left without the ability to see. 

This tiny girl is a happy and lively kitten, playful and filled with affection. Her good spirits and happy ways are amazing to see given all of the great trials that she has endured.  

We hope and pray that Melenia will find a loving home in which to live a long and happy life.

