Baby Hawk Rescue — Animal Zone International

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Baby Hawk Rescue

Early this summer, June 2020, a baby hawk (of the species Falco tinnunculus) was found by tourists visiting the monastery of Chozoviotissa. The baby hawk had fallen from its nest and could not be returned to the high rocks where the nest had been built.

Since there was a danger from prowling feral cats these kind tourists brought the baby hawk to us at our Center. This is not our area of expertise so we contacted the Aegean Wildlife Hospital ALKIONI in Paros. This baby bird was sent to them on the first boat leaving Amorgos for Paros.

After a few months, the baby hawk has grown up under the care of the amazing Marios Fournaris and it was recently released back into nature. We want to thank the Aegean Wildlife Hospital, ALKIONI, for its excellent cooperation with AZI and we congratulate them for the great work they do.

 Here is a small video of the chick when he was in AZI's care:

hawk release.jpg