Ivan — Animal Zone International

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Ivan lived alone for what must be about ten years of a very difficult life. His job was to keep his owner’s sheep from crossing the road. Indeed, Ivan was forced to be a kind of living fence.

Uncared for and underfed in order to keep him agitated and barking, Ivan’s lonely life was controlled by a man who had many times been accused of animal abuse.

For years, we at Animal Zone International did our best to rescue the animals who were kept in these miserable conditions but we were never able to successfully and legally remove them.

That is, until, finally, a responsible prosecutor who honors her role and her position in the community gave us the right to begin the rescue process.

In December 2019, Ivan was legally, but temporarily, delivered to the care of AZI by order of the prosecutor of the Naxos Court of First Instance. Eventually, the prosecutor was able to link old allegations of animal abuse to Ivan’s owner and issued a new order which allowed Ivan to be permanently in the care of AZI.

His owner may never again legally own another pet and we see this as a justification for the long struggle to save the many abused dogs who suffered and died in his care.

And now, for our dear Ivan, we hope that he will find a loving home to make up for those long unhappy years.

Ivan 14-01-2015.JPG