Autumn sterilization program: Nov 22–26, 2021

Animal Zone International, in cooperation with the Municipality of Amorgos, will be conducting a sterilization program for stray cats from Monday 22 to Friday 26 of November 2021.

The cost of the program will be covered by Animal Zone International and the Municipality of Amorgos.

We are asking anyone who is aware of stray cats in their area to contact us at the following numbers:

Animal Zone International’s office: 22850-71716

AZI's program coordinator: 6974990045

Owners who do not wish their cats to be sterilized are kindly requested to keep their cats indoors on the days when the program is being conducted or to place a collar around their necks so that our volunteers will not catch them.

As a reminder, according to Law 4039/2012, Article 5, Item g: The owner of the dominant pet is obliged to take care of its sterilization if he does not wish to keep the newborn animals or cannot arrange to find them new owners. He is also required to microchip and register the animal as well as to maintain a health booklet, but also to place a metallic tag on the collar of the animal, which is provided annually by the veterinarians showing proof of an annual rabies vaccination.

Support the cause! AZI’s spay/neuter program is key to creating a healthy and balanced cat population on the island. If the cat population is left unchecked, the number of hungry, sick, and infected stray animals overwhelms the area, allowing animal transmitted diseases to run rampant and frustrating local residents, pushing them to take measures into their own hands. Our sterilization program, by controling the animal population, aims to prevent these worst-case scenarios. Please help! No donation is too small. Donate here—thank you!