Rescue of two dogs — Animal Zone International

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Rescue of two dogs

On Saturday, December 5, 2020, we received a call from the Public Prosecutor of Naxos who asked us if we could host two dogs who were living in miserable conditions and needed to be urgently removed from their current situation. The prosecutor had ordered their removal after receiving a complaint from an Italian visitor to our island.

When we arrived at the scene, we found two emaciated dogs—literally skin and bones—fenced in a small unsanitary enclosure with two inadequate shelters. One was chained while the other was free. There were buckets of a dark green-yellow liquid that perhaps once contained water. The brown dog was called Jack and he had scars on his face. The other dog, a white and brown one, was called Voris, and he had matted fur with many bald spots and an old injury on his chin. The dogs were clearly neglected and the stench coming from both of them was unbelievable.

We took Jack and Voris to the vet that very afternoon and, after the necessary examinations, both were taken to our shelter. Both dogs got blood tests to further investigate their state of health. Jack, the older dog, was found to be healthy while Voris turned out to have a serious liver problem, requiring special treatment as well as prescription dog food and supplements. In one month he will be checked again, and we hope that we will see signs of improvement.

On December 22, 2020, after examining all the evidence that had been gathered, the Public Prosecutor issued a new provision that permanently removed the dogs from their owner and officially entrusted them to Animal Zone International. We are relieved, for now the road for adoption is open to them. We will search high and low for a good, loving, and safe home for them.

Since then, Jack and Voris have been doing very well. They eat with gusto and have happily put on weight. They have been groomed, dewormed, and treated for fleas and ticks. They go for long walks in the mornings and afternoons and are enjoying their newfound freedom. Jack, a handsome Segugio Italiano, is about 9 years old; Voris is about 7 years old and is a beautiful English setter.

We hope that a good home will be found for them soon—it’s what these two most deserve, a happy new life in peace and comfort. If you’d like to help them, please consider a donation for their care (food, medicine, and hopefully soon, funds to help with their adoption). No donation is too small. Your help is needed and very much appreciated! Donate here:
