The Annual Visit of Animal Action Hellas — Animal Zone International

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The Annual Visit of Animal Action Hellas

On September 11-12, a total of 53 equines (36 donkeys, 9 mules, and 8 horses) plus 1 cow who was suffering from an abscess on the hooves were seen and cared for by the Animal Action Hellas team in the following areas on Amorgos: Vroutsi, Langada, Tholaria, Potamos, Chora and Katapola.

The residents of Amorgos have embraced the program and they eagerly await the annual visit of the Animal Action Hellas team. The team also gave advice for alternative containment practices in order for the inhabitants to avoid the inhumane and illegal habit of keeping the animals' legs tied together, a practice that can cause severe injuries and permanently damage the legs. 

We want to thank Animal Action Hellas for sending their team: the veterinarian Kostas Okkas, the dental technician Alkis Gkeskos, and the farrier Tasos Skillas. A big round of thank yous also go to the owners of the many animals who participated in the program.
