Update on Feevos — Animal Zone International

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Update on Feevos

December 2021—It was back in February 2020 when we received a phone call from a resident who told us about a dog living on a mountain of feces and trash, locked in a warehouse without even one window to let the sunlight in. (You can read the original story here: https://www.animal-zone.org/news/2020/4/24/the-rescue-of-two-dogs)

In August 2020, Feevos found his forever home in Holland where he has lived happily since then: https://www.animal-zone.org/news/2020/8/22/feevos

And recently Feevos’ case was brought to trial in the three-member court of first instance of Naxos. Feevos’ former owner was accused of passive abuse of the animal. The court found the accused guilty and handed him a sentence of 1 year and 6 months suspended imprisonment. We are grateful that Feevos and our efforts were vindicated by the Greek justice system.

To all who find themselves witnessing abuse, please, do not turn a blind eye. Feevos was rescued and saved because someone spoke up and took action. Animals are unable to defend themselves, so we humans must step up to be their voices and help them when we witness their suffering.
