Update on Mayia — Animal Zone International

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Update on Mayia

June 2021—Mayia was abandoned about a year ago along with another dog in the Kolofana area. It took us several months to catch her as she was literally scared of people. See her full story here: https://www.animal-zone.org/news/2021/1/12/mayia

It only took her a few days to adore the man who cared for her and to reveal her funny and sweet character. But she continues to be cautious and afraid of strangers. Luckily this was not an obstacle for the people who decided to make her a member of their family.

in June, Mayia traveled to her new country and became a Dutch citizen. She lives now in a beautiful house with a family of a mother and two children who already adore her. Mayia (now Maia) is already quite happy and settled in her new environment.

Here is a recent message from her new family:

“Good morning from Holland! It's raining a lot this morning. Maia loves it and the green grass. She slept very well and now feels more relaxed and she wants to play! We are so happy with this little Miss Sunshine! Greetings from rainy Holland.”
