Fall Sterilization Program 2022 — Animal Zone International

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Fall Sterilization Program 2022

Another sterilization program was completed with great success! Over a period of 10 days, a total of 213 stray cats (129 female and 84 male) were spayed/neutered from all over Amorgos, as well as 1 male dog. Additionally, surgeries were performed to remove cancer from the ears of two cats, as well as two surgeries for hernia repair, and, sadly, two euthanasias were performed for two very sick cats with late-stage cancer.

All animals were also vaccinated against rabies (except for those who were too sick), received anti-parasitic treatment, and were marked electronically (microchip). This program was made in collaboration with the Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International.

We would first like to thank our amazing veterinarian Dr. Andrianna Alexandropoulou, for her unwavering support and assistance (and for the fact that she worked intensely to meet the needs of our community).

Also we offer sincere thanks to the Municipality of Amorgos for the continuous support and perfect cooperation, the local veterinarian Dr. Dimitris Simos for his cooperation, and for transporting and catching cats of Chora, our Chariklia Psaki who worked eagerly as a veterinarian assistant. We wish to thank our amazing volunteers Giorgos, Angeliki, Anna, Melina, Marianna, Kaliroi, Lamia, Lilie, Wentoula, Fani, Alexandros, Giannis and Rania who "plowed the island" and went up and down many stairs in order to collect and release cats as well as to assist in the clinic, and of course all the inhabitants of the island who helped each in his or her own way.

We would like to say that the participation of the residents in this program was wonderful and to apologize to those who were unable to be included in the program as literally it was raining cats. Thank you all!

This sterilization program is crucial for both the cats and the residents of the island. Without this effort, the population of cats would explode to unsustainable levels. Cats reach the age of reproduction very quickly at 6 months and can have two or three litters a year. When there is an explosion in the cat population, it is difficult to feed and care for them all, and they soon become parasitic and sick, suffering from malnutrition and common infections, and increasing dissatisfaction within the community. When the cat population is under control, we are able to give them proper food and treatments for parasites, so that their overall health improves which reduces their risk of being considered a nuisance pest. Suffering is reduced and harmony is achieved.

If you agree, please continue to support our efforts to improve the lives of the cats of Amorgos. Make a donation to AZI today. Thank you! https://tinyurl.com/Donate-AZI
