Ruby is now a Dutch citizen — Animal Zone International

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Ruby is now a Dutch citizen

UPDATE JAN 2023— Ruby, now Vincent, has been adopted!


In July, we received a phone call concerning a kitten that got into a car engine and was almost turned into mincemeat. He was a tiny little creature, only 2 months old. The extent of the injuries was very severe and we were not at all certain that he would make it.

His suffering was immense and he had just started his life. But the little boy turned out to be a great fighter. He overcame everything and the only thing left to remind us of the accident is one missing ear and a crooked right leg. We called him Ruby and you can read his full story here:

Time passed and Ruby grew up but the long-awaited and hoped for adoption news did not come. (There was an almost chance, but it was canceled because the little one tested positive for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) 1/100).

So our one and only Ute Kohlmann, whom we really don't know how to thank anymore, decided to take him to the Netherlands so that he could have a better chance of finding a home there. Ute searched and found a girl, named Kim, who will host him (maybe eventually fall in love with him and adopt him, perhaps?) and during this time she will help us look for a permanent home for our sweet Ruby. We hope that the new year will bring him own home with a family to adore him.

We would like to thank Kyriaki, Julia and Polykarpos who supported Ruby during his hospitalization and accompanied him on his journey from Amorgos to Athens; Pepi and Daniel who once again opened up their home — they not only hosted him but also escorted him to the airport; Kim who opened up her home to host him in the Netherlands; and finally Ute: we have no words for her anymore...Thank you seems too little…

Here is a small video of Ruby in Athens where he stayed for about 10 days:

As you can imagine, his medical treatment was costly—please help us help others like Ruby by making a donation here:
