Thank you EDKE! — Animal Zone International

NEW!—Click here to report unneutered cats on Amorgos in 3 easy steps.

Thank you EDKE!

As part of the Crossing 2022 organized by Symplefsi (+ plefsi) targeting nine small and remote Greek islands, the Voluntary Action of Veterinarians of Greece (EDKE) came to Amorgos. The team of EDKE consisted of two veterinarians, Mr. Ioannis Batsas and Mr. Elias Kaldis, who gave the stray animals of Amorgos free medical care.

A total of 20 stray cats were neutered, dewormed, vaccinated and microchipped. Also masses were surgically removed from a cat and a dog, an awn was removed from a donkey's eye, and a donkey with a chronic problem with her knees received treatment. Additionally a few more stray animals were examined and vaccinated.

We warmly thank Εθελοντική Δράση Κτηνιάτρων Ελλάδος (Ε.Δ.Κ.Ε.) and Symplefsi for the care and support they offer to humans and animals alike. May you all be well to continue the wonderful work you are doing. Until we meet again!!!
