Cuba's story — Animal Zone International

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Cuba's story

They met in July—he was a stray in Arkesini and she on holiday in Amorgos. This total sweetheart of a cat wanted nothing but affection and it was love at first sight. Unfortunately, she already had four cats at home and could not adopt a fifth. So it was with a heavy heart that she had to leave him behind.

However she did not forget him and was determined to get him off the streets. That was when our phone rang. "If I manage to find a foster home for him will you be able to pick him up and send him to me?" Of course we would!

One doesn’t deprive an animal such a golden opportunity, especially when he is living a dangerous life on the street and is so personable and friendly. And so—great news!! —a foster was found with the possiblity of adoption.

And then it was our turn. Ship transportation was arranged with the most reliable assistance of Eva K. and Pepi G.—our tireless volunteers (as always, we thank you!).

Then our program coordinator Litsa went to Arkesini to pick him up. We had a small hurdle when she looked all over for him but couldn’t find him. Disappointed, she turned to leave, and right then, he appeared, meowing a little hello to her.

That was when we learned a little more about his life: he had been fed and cared for by a teacher who left. We also learned that his name was Cuba. But the fact remained that he had no home so Litsa put him in a transporting cage and brought him back to our Center.

Τhe next day we said our goodbyes at the port. Natassa was waiting for him in Piraeus at 5am. We thank Natassa, his guardian angel, for investing so much time, effort, and money into this little fellow (she took him to the vet for neutering, a microchip, and tests). People like Natassa make our world a better place.

Today Cuba is going to his foster home and who knows, maybe this will become his permanent home.

Have a good life sweet Cuba—live happily for many, many years!!
