Porthos is adopted! — Animal Zone International

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Porthos is adopted!

In the summer of 2021, four tiny orphaned kittens came to our care: 3 boys and 1 girl, the Three Musketeers and princess Avgi. Not even one week old, with their eyes closed, they could fit in our palms.

Α "human" took them from their mom and threw them in the street like they were rubbish. It took us an entire month of intensive care (and loss of sleep!) until they began to eat on their own. Almost four months later two of them, Athos and Avgi, traveled to their new family in Holland. They had been adopted by the best family who had already adopted another Amorgian kitten, Siouti.

But Ute’s heart was left behind in Amorgos, with the third kitten, named Porthos who had stayed back. She tried to convince her husband Edouard to adopt him too. Porthos was an animal that really needed a home— life as a stray on the streets was not for him and Ute knew that. After nagging Edouard day and night about it she finally managed to convince him. So on her last trip to Amorgos in May she finally got the OK to bring Porthos back to their home in Holland and to reunite him with his brother and sister. The wandering life of an outdoor cat came to an end for Porthos and we were very happy about it.

Ute and Edouard thank you from the bottom of our hearts for once again opening your home and your hearts to creatures in need. Thank you for what you have offered us and the animals of Amorgos. Have a happy and great life together!

Here is a small video of Porthos at his new home!
