Strong Little Achileas

Achileas and his sister were found in the area of the Castle of Chora on Amorgos both in bad shape. For Achileas, his umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around his leg, restricting blood flow and causing major damage to his limb. His sister had a terrible wound on her front leg, down to the bone, and sadly she did not survive. 

However we are very hopeful that little Achileas will make it—he is clearly a fighter. He is now 13 days old and thriving. Unfortunately at this time there is not much we can do about his damaged leg—he’s far too young for surgery now—but this does not seem to bother him at all. He is very resilient and active and eats with a great appetite and we hope he will continue to get stronger each day!

We are optimistic that we can nurse him back to health but we can’t do it alone. Please help and make a donation now.

Here are 3 short videos: 

  1. When he came to our Center:

  2. At 13 days old:

  3. Achileas eating from his bottle: