A Joyful Reunion — Animal Zone International

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A Joyful Reunion

Last year, in 2020, Kanelos and Feevos were rescued a week apart, taken from their former owners and the miserable conditions in which they lived. Kanelos was tied up on a remote mountain, alone, with only a rusty barrel for a house, and Feevos was kept in a dirty warehouse, not even able to see sunlight. They spent a few months together at our shelter, recovering from their traumatic experiences, and in a relatively short time, both were adopted in the Netherlands by two amazing families.

We had informed both families about our suspicion that the two dogs were possibly brothers — as they had belonged to two brothers, are very similar to each other, are the same age, and they got along well at our Center. We thought it would be nice to schedule, if possible, a playdate for the dogs once they were settled in their new homes. And two days ago it happened.

Feevos and Kanelos, after about a year of separation, had a joyous reunion. From the moment they recognized each other they played and ran for two hours straight, in complete bliss. Seeing the photos documenting this jubilant reunion made us very, very happy and strengthens our resolve to fulfill our mission of rescuing abused and neglected animals and give them a full, happy life instead.
