Rescue of a Grey Heron — Animal Zone International

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Rescue of a Grey Heron

June 2021—A few weeks ago we were told that there was a big bird on the beach who was unable to fly. Our program coordinator Litsa went to investigate where she found a grey heron (Ardea cinarea) making every attempt to fly.

The bird was clearly exhausted from flying during migration season, completely skin and bones. He was given first aid immediately and the next morning he was sent to the Alkioni - Aegean Wildlife Hospital on the island of Paros, where they specialize in the care of wild birds.

The bird was given a poor prognosis as it was in a very bad shape, so much so that a feeding tube to the stomach had to be inserted. Yet the bird proved to be a fighter and managed to fully recover.

A few days ago the Alkioni - Aegean Wildlife Hospital together with the Special High School of Paros released the bird back to its natural environment. We were thrilled to see him fly off in good health.

The Alkioni - Aegean Wildlife Hospital does amazing work protecting and caring for wild birds. Τhey are always willing to help us with advice and for this reason, we are grateful and appreciate their work.
