Meet Ruby, our special kitten — Animal Zone International

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Meet Ruby, our special kitten

Ruby is just a small kitten but his life has already been full of difficulty and hardship. Somehow he got trapped in the engine of a car and somehow he was lucky enough not to get minced. But he did sustain terrible burns and serious injuries: his front leg was broken, his right ear was completely torn up, and parts of his fur were severely burned.

When he arrived at our Center, his leg had already set crookedly, his damaged ear was barely there, and his wounds were still open and at risk of serious infection.

Yet despite this, his sweet personality came through. After a month or more under our care, his skin and ear have healed and he is doing much better. Unfortunately his leg will forever be bent but it doesn't slow him down. He is eating well and gaining weight and also incredibly cuddly and sweet and plays a lot. Now he is ready to be adopted and we are looking for that special person to fall in love with our special kitten.

Do you have a spot in your home for our little survivor? Or if not, can you help support his medical treatments? Every little bit helps because with each rescue like Ruby’s we incur high fees for all the necessary veterinary treatments. Of course, we do it without complaint to give these deserving animals a second chance at a happy life but we can’t do it alone—we need your help.

Please donate here—Thank you!!
