Rescue of a common cuckoo — Animal Zone International

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Rescue of a common cuckoo

A few weeks ago, we received a call from Kato M. regarding an injured cuckoo (Cuculus canorus canorus) which was taken from the claws of a cat.

The next day the bird was brought to our Center. As it was the first time we received an injured cuckoo we immediately contacted our partners from Alkioni Aegean Wildlife Hospital in Paros to ask for guidance.

Unfortunately, cat bites can often be fatal for birds as they carry germs that are difficult for birds to fight off. So we started immediately taking care of the wound in his neck in fear that he might not make it. But he turned out to be a fighter and did great.

He was only missing a few feathers from one wing which will grow back in time. But these birds don't eat well in captivity so we were eager to release him. We also wanted to see him off before the cold weather starts as at this time of year they are migrating south.

So an attempt was made a few days later … and the attempt was a success! The cuckoo flew off, once again proving that he is a fighter!!

Marios Fournaris from Alkioni Aegean Wildlife Hospital, we thank you so much for your invaluable advice, for always being available when we need you, and for having the patience to pass on your knowledge to us. The Alkioni Aegean Wildlife Hospital does amazing work with the wild birds in Greece.
