Voris is adopted!! — Animal Zone International

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Voris is adopted!!

Τhe year 2023 ended with a very beautiful surprise as its finale—both our rescue dogs Jack and Voris were adopted! The Christmas holidays found both our boys in their new homes! Needless to say how happy we felt for that. (You can read their original post here.)

In the 3 years we had had them in our care, there was not the slightest interest shown in adopting them. Not even a message or a question although they were available for adoption through various organizations in Holland, USA and Italy. We don't know if it was because they were old or liked to chase cats, rabbits and birds or if they were just unlucky. What is certain is that their luck turned in their favour. It started with Jack who was adopted in Italy by our good friends Piero and Beatrice. It was as if with this adoption the bad energy broke and in a very short time the good news came for Voris as well.

Initially there was an interest in hosting Voris from a very sweet person, our new friend Rainer who hosted him in his house in Amorgos. At the same time, on the other side of Europe, an effort was being made to find a permanent home for him. The good news didn't take long to come and Voris would be traveling from Amorgos to Sweden with his good friend Rainer. From Amorgos to Athens, from Athens to Denmark and from Denmark to Sweden, until Voris officially became a Swedish citizen!! Enjoy the video with him in his new country where he finally has what every dog deserves, a warm house and his own family to love and care for him! With Kasja it was love at first sight!

We always try to offer the best we can to the dogs in our care. They can have a kennel to protect them from the weather conditions, they can have clean water, they can have proper food, they can have their medication and vet attention and care when needed, they can have their walks and human presence and attention but at the end of the day they will go back to an impersonal shelter cage. Because this is life in a shelter. However, this is why shelters are places of temporary stay. The shelter is the place they will go to be protected from the dangers they face and it is the first step to a better life. Our goal for these animals is always to find their own family and the effort for this does not stop until this goal is achieved.

A HUGE THANK YOU to our amazing dream team who made this happen!!! Some wish to remain anonymous and we will respect that, but to those we are free to name, we thank Fanny, Rainer, Erica, Marie, Beatrice and Kasja. To all, thank yous are not enough for what you did for Voris and Jack. You are all AMAZING!

Have a wonderful long and happy new life sweet boys! We are finally relieved and very happy for you both Jack and Voris!!
