From Our President

It has been a transformative year in Amorgos. Oursponsorship of a local veterinarian has changed the life of many animals and of many people who depend on them. This generated much support and interest on the part of the community. New attention has been given to the animal health and well-being. We sponsored Dr. Despoti’s internship in one of the most prestigious no-kill animal shelters in the the US, PAWS Chicago. Since her return in March, Dr. Despotihastreated various animals in need and sterilized and released over 30 stray cats. It seems a small step but it makes a huge difference.  And through these little steps we are transforming a way of being.

We thank all of you for your help and we count on your contributions to continue.  Without your help we would not be able to make all of these small steps come together to transform the fate of so many neglected animals on the island.

Recently we were contacted by a tourist in Amorgos who noticed that cats were being fed in a dangerous road-side position. We greatly appreciate being informed of any maltreatment of animals witnessed on the island. We count on your continuous support. A small action can make a huge difference in the life of many animals and the environment in which they live.